It is time to AWAKEN the man of God within! I am sick and tired and heavily burdened by men who in their own rights call themselves men. Inwardly men are motivated by self-righteousness and selfish desires. Men have become lazy and uninv...olved. Outwardly men express themselves in arrogance and selfishness. The effects are broken wives, broken children, broken relationships, broken churches, broken communities, broken politics, and broken nations. I feel like going into a full vent on the failures of men in this world, but I might just come across as a raving lunatic and scare my readers causing them to flee as fast as they can.
I am taking a deep breath………………. Ok, I know there are good godly men out there. I know a few personally and have the utmost respect for the example they set for me as Christians. However godly men are outnumbered drastically. As a youth pastor, I hear about the tragic effects godless men are having on their marriages and families. My heart is crushed with every story I hear, I am spiritually broken with every tear I witness being shed over the hurts and pains broken husbands and broken are fathers are causing in this world. I hear about the shame and guilt that these men are pouring out upon their wives and children because they don’t look good enough, perform well enough, require too much, don’t do enough or tolerate enough or whatever not good enough or too much they can come up with. Godless men have abandoned their families for self-indulged hobbies, habits, and irrational desires. Their selfishness has made it “all about me” as they flee to the deer woods, lakes, rivers, racetracks, sports arenas and man caves. Many indulge themselves on nightly drunken stupors and delusional drug trips. So many men have become nothing more than an embarrassment and shame upon the traditional family of today.
Go to church, go to school, go to children’s activities, go to doctors’ offices, visit hospital rooms, check out volunteer services and what you will see is women outnumber men by drastic disproportional ratios. Time and time again I hear the plea from wives and children “If I could only get my husband to church”, “I wish my dad would go to church with me”, “I just want my husband to be a spiritual leader”, “I wish God was as important to my dad as He is to me”, “I wish my husband would show me he loved me”, “I give anything to hear my dad say I am beautiful and he loved me”, “I just can’t stand the criticism about my looks”, “I don’t want to hear about how fat I am”, “If only he would give up one weekend of man time for family time”, “I just wish for once he would show me he loved me.” ….
Listen up men! Your wives and your children desperately need the godly man within to AWAKEN and step up and be the man God has called you to be. I get it, we are not perfect and many of us don’t have a clue as to how to be a godly man. We have all kinds of excuses as to why we can’t, why we don’t, and why we are not able. But the truth is; they are only excuses and lies the devil wants us to believe. Sin, darkness, and stupid excuses are claiming victory over our marriages, children, occupations, communities, and beyond. There is not one excuse, not one reason why, or any inability that the Lord and Creator of this universe cannot overcome.
So first thing first is to get right with Jesus Christ. I am not going to get all biblical and scriptural in this post. If you don’t know how to get right with the Lord then go talk to your wife, a godly man you know, your pastor or message me. Secondly, be the man you are called to be by God. It is a process and there will be ups and downs, but God will see you through. As long as your hearts cry is to be what God has called you to be then your focus will remain on the cross of Christ. Keeping your eyes on Jesus will always place you on the path that you need to be on. On that path God will always provide the will and the way. Along this path you will find the means, the mends, and even the men that will keep you going along the way.
In the book of Ephesians Paul addresses husbands and how they are to love their wives. I personally have discovered and continue to discover how deep and how true the blessings are when I abide by these instructions. Not only does this apply to my marriage, it applies to my children as well. The deeper I have dug and lived by this simple truth revealed by Paul, the deeper and more blessed my life, my relationship to Christ, my marriage and my family has become.
The scripture I am referring to is this; Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. – Ephesians 5:25-28.
Men we are called to love our wives just as Christ loved the church. Christ did not just love the church in word He loved the church in action. Jesus Christ literally set aside his God given rights and humbled himself as a servant in order to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people. We must make the same sacrifice for our wives and children. It is time men that we give of our time and of ourselves to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our families. The next thing that really stands out in this scripture is this; Christ cleansed and washed the church with the word in order to make her spotless, holy and blameless.
Men we need to shower our wives and children with the word of God daily. We need to be the spiritual leaders, we need to take on the responsibility of washing, teaching, leading, guiding, nurturing, and growing our families spiritually. Jesus Christ did not just do this with words alone, He did this with action. Jesus Christ proved himself by what He did. He gave all of who and what he was to serve, give, build up, and save that which He loved. He gave up his life on the cross and resurrected from the dead so that we to can give up our sinful lives to live the righteous and holy lives He desires.
I am challenging all men who read this post to AWAKEN the godly man within by accepting Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. AWAKEN the godly man within by dying to self and living by the power and through the power of the Holy Spirit that God has promised within your heart and soul. AWAKEN the godly man within and become the hands, the feet, the mouth, and the body of Jesus Christ. Go and give all that you are to loving your wives and children as Christ loved the church. Do whatever it takes to shower your loved ones in word and deed to make them as pure, pleasing and as blameless as you possibly can. Get out of the woods and go worship, abandon drug and alcohol stupors and get high on the holy spirit, quit standing on the false promises of pride and fall on your knees and pray, turn your man caves into places of praise, get off your couches and recliners and overtake the church pews, quit standing on the sidelines and get in the game. AWAKEN and take the lead, you will be blessed beyond measure if you do.

If you agree do me a favor like this and re-share. We will see what God does.