I was siting here talking to God and asking "OK God what is the devotion for today?" Right after that on Fox News a reporter was interviewing a lady in New Jersey. He was asking her about the effects Hurricane Sandy will have on Christmas. Then statements were made by both. "Christmas is ruined this year." "We won't have a Christmas this year." I just thought "wow! Really!" Christmas ruined and not happening this year? Seriously. What a great perspective on where society has on Christmas. My heart breaks for people like these. Not because they won't have gifts under their tree, because they have totally missed the meaning of Christmas. It's not about celebrating a baby born in a manger and adorning our lives with gifts. It is all about a savior who was born to die a violent brutal death. As soon as king Herrod heard of Jesus's birth he wanted him dead. Jesus came into this world willingly not to give us a season of gifts. He came to give us life and redemption through His death. When our hearts are so filled with greed and materialism, it is like looking into the face of Christ lying in a manger or hanging on a cross and saying, Jesus you are not good enough. Don't allow Christmas to be ruined by the anticipation and need for gifts, or the lack there of. Embrace the savior Emanuel "God with us" and celebrate the true meaning of CHRISTmas! That is something nothing or no one can ever take away.
Here is a Picture of some art we have on display
at our YOUTH. He is Greater than I.
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Matthew 6:19-22
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!
I really like this post! It's great that you brought this up because sometimes around the holiday time, our minds get occupied with buying the gifts and anticipation of what the gifts we will be receiving will be. We totally forget about the only gift that truly matters and why that gift was given to us.