Friday, February 6, 2015

Shadows come and shadows go, no matter what Jesus Christ will always shine

I talk a lot about hardships in life, simply because I believe they are the obstacles that cast shadows of doubt upon us.  

Think of it like this;  the sun casts its light upon us and we can feel it's warmth and see its light.  However, when we step behind a wall, the wall casts a shadow.  In that shadow we don't feel the warmth of the sun or see its light like we did when it was within our direct sight.

In that shadow, do we doubt the exists?  Do we question; will it ever shine again?  Of course not. Because we know obstacles cast shadows in the sunlight.  They always have and they always will.  No matter what the sun is still shining on the other side.

If the sun is so faithful and dependable, then how much more so is the author and creator of that light? 

Hardships may cast shadows in our life.  In those shadows we begin to question and doubt;  will the "Son" ever shine again?  Jesus Christ will never quit shining.  Sometimes we just got to get to the other side of those shadow casters to see the light. 

With Joseph, he went through some pretty dark times.  His brothers wanted to kill him, Potiphar's wife wanted to molest him, and Potiphar locked him away.  Through it all Joseph remained faithful to God and God navigated Joseph's life through those dark times.  

God knew that those dark times was what it was going to take in order to position Joseph right where He needed him.  Ultimately through those difficult circumstances Joseph ended up in the position that would literally save the entire nation of his people from the starvation and death of the great seven year famine.  

You just don't know where God is positioning you as He navigates your life through the shadows.  Trust me, He will always shine.  He has a plan to position you for greater things than you could ever imagine.  

Keep the faith, shadows come and shadows go but no matter what Jesus Christ will always shine!

Genesis 50:20 you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 

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