Thursday, June 20, 2013

Never Been That Way Before

The devotion I am sharing today comes from the book of Joshua.  Specifically from the chapters describing the crossing through the Jordan River.  Keep in mind what the Jordan River represents and how it relates to your life as well.  The Jordan is what separated the Israelites from the Promised Land.  During the time of the crossing, the river was at flood stage.  Simply put, crossing the Jordan River was an impossible task. 

Right now and even in your foreseeable future do you see the impossible?  What is it that you believe is an impossible obstacle in your life that keeps you from moving forward in your faith and even your relationship with God?  For me I see a lot of things.  Financial struggle, medical bills, Huntington’s disease, doubts, fears, and random life circumstances.  For you maybe it is the same things or other things like addictions, anger, broken relationships, etc... Only you know for sure what your Jordan River is.

Just prior to crossing the impossible, Joshua instructed the Israelites to wait.  They were to wait for the Levites to go before them with the Ark of the Covenant and then follow.  Why?  Well because they had never been that way before.  They needed to be led so that that would not stray and go the wrong direction.  They were also instructed to stay back a ways from the ark.  Another way to put it; they needed to keep the ark before them and not pass it up or get ahead of it. 

Have you ever stopped to think and realize that none of us have ever been on the path that God has planned before us?  Sure others have gone before us in the faith and service.  But just like a finger print God has a path, a specific plan, for my life and yours.  It is just as special and unique as your own finger print.  Sure there is a common goal and that is to grow in our faith, make disciples and glorify God through service and worship.  However each one of us has a unique set of gifts and life circumstances. 

If the Israelites did not follow the LORD what would they have done when they reached the Jordan?  I’m sure they would have stopped for sure.  Would they have waited for the floods to recede, turned left, turned right or even turn completely away?  Either way, they would have missed out partially in experiencing God if not completely missing out. 

May I encourage you to face your Jordan River by keeping the LORD before you as you follow Him.  In my walk with Jesus Christ, He has parted many impossible rivers and has faithfully delivered me to the other side. 

I took the picture in 2001 during a flood on the White River in north Arkansas.

Joshua 3:3-4 giving orders to the people: "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. 4 Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. But keep a distance of about a thousand yards between you and the ark; do not go near it."

May my life be the proof and evidence of Christ’s love!

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