Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rock and a hard place

Between a rock and a hard place with no apparent way out.  Has this ever been you?  It has been me more than once.  So many times before it seemed like any decision was a lose lose.  Often I had to make the lesser lose decision, but none the less it's was a loss.  Usually those lose lose and lesser loss decisions were made without consulting anyone or seeking wise advice.

As I have grown in my faith I have learned God allows those "between a rock and a hard place" situations.  He allows it either intentionally or as a result of my own choices.  Either way, when I am in that place He always asks; "what are we going to do?"  God has never expected me to answer that question.  Gods intention is for me to ask Him that same question.

Nothing surprises God and there is no such thing as a rock an a hard place for God.  He can move mountains right?  I have learned this is Gods way of getting me to listen.  He already knows what needs to be done.  Consider the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand in John chapter 6.

John 6:5-6 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?"6 He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.

Can I challenge you to just ask Jesus? He already has the answer.

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