Friday, February 8, 2013

Jacked Up On Jesus, Not Caffeine

Are you dependent on coffee like I am? I feel like I have to have coffee every morning just to get going. If not I am just tired and weary. Without caffeine I just drag on slowly mentally and physically.

Something else that makes me tired and weary is serving my LORD. I have this hunger and passion to go full speed in my faith. I just want to go and go and go. My heart says keep pressing pressing on, don't quit. My mind says whoa. I get to feeling so drained and worn out. When I am spiritually worn satan gets in my head an begins to speak believable words. Things like "See you can't do it, your not strong enough, you can't afford it, your not good enough, maybe someone with more energy should take your place, take a break, relax, besides you do more than most people, besides your not good enough." Lies and more believable lies. And yes I question myself, question God's plan for my life, and the walls of doubt begin to build.

What I have discovered is that in the weariest of times when I have nothing left but to turn to the LORD, I find an unexplainable strength. It has been in the most worn out times that God has moved the most powerfully in and through me. Why? Well it's because I come to the place where I have nothing left but my faith. These are the times when hope is truly put to the test. If my hope remains in me I fail. If my hope is truly in the LORD, I sail to heights that only Christ can take me. Literally my Hope is like caffeine for my soul.

Why wait until I'm tired and worn to get my daily dose of soul caffeine, when I can have it totally free? I should not be more faithful to a daily dose of coffee than a daily dose of Jesus. Neither should you be either. Get jacked up on Jesus each and everyday. He is a perfect fix for a wearied soul.

Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.


  1. Hi Bill,
    Its really good to be here again, nice post, i like tea, of course those things gives you and me a temporary uplift or let me put is, a kick, but He and His Words gives us a permanent one, I like the concluding para, let me quote it her again, I should not be more faithful to a daily dose of coffee than a daily dose of Jesus.
    Neither should you be either. Get jacked up on Jesus each and everyday. He is a perfect fix for a wearied soul." Yes, Jesus Christ is the Perfect fix for all our problems. Thanks again for dropping in. I joined in. hope you do visit my pages too
    PS. Pl. remove the word verification here it gives trouble to you readers best.

  2. Phil, not sure what you meant at the PS? It's probably obvious, but I'm tired and obvious is hard to see when I'm tired. Thanks for you kind comments also, I appreciate them greatly.

  3. Hi Bill, Thanks for the note, the P S: i mean Post Script, since, after i pressed the publish button only i noticed the word verification, so i don't want to connect this matter in to the main text, if you remove the word verification it will be easy for your readers to post comments. This you can do it from your dashboard.
