Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What is a Blessing?

Has your idea of what a blessing is robbed you from recognizing daily blessings? When asked what you call a blessing, what is your first response? A better job, a raise, a good marriage, a new born baby, health, friends, unexpected gifts...?

Sure these are all blessings, but what about the in your face blessings you experience every day? Eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, heart that feels, 3 dimensional world instead of a 2, vibrantly colored landscapes instead of black and white.

Think about all that God has done so that we can experience pleasure with all of our senses. Think about all that God has created and offered to stimulate our experiences. Did He allow it all just to please us? I think not. I can't help but think that our pleasures are just a perk of experiencing all that God is and has done.

I'm pretty sure He has done it all to get our attention and bring our focus back to Him. Think about it like this, when your kid draws a picture, what do you do? Hang it on the refrigerator? Post it on Facebook? Whatever you do, what is the purpose? Brag on your kid, right? It's all about, look what my kid did!

Guess what, all creation from the simplest of senses to the grandest of gifts, it is all on display all around us each and everyday proclaiming "Look what the LORD did!" You are surrounded by blessings everywhere you turn. Imagine a world where all that you take for granted is gone. Kind of a Twilight Zone thought isn't it?

Count your blessings today and give God the glory for all the great things He has done!

John 1:16
From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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