Thursday, May 16, 2013

Proverbs 31 Woman

ATTENTION!!! Teen Girls and ladies! This Post is For You.  a MUST READ.

On occasion, I like to share other people's testimonies that I know for sure are legitimate.  This particular young lady is a teenager that I have come to know in recent months.  I have followed her on twitter and Facebook.  There is no doubt that she is rock solid in her faith. Her tweets and status are always uplifting and God approved.  I feel safe in saying, this is the type of godly young lady you pray your son will meet.  Her life and testimony has inspired and encouraged me to keep up the good fight as a youth pastor in reaching teens for Christ.  

Hello, my name is "__________" I am a 17 year old girl, and this is my story. When I was in eighth grade, I had my first boyfriend. After that one I had another, and another, and another, and so on. See, I had this problem. This problem is called lust. The definition of lust is to have an intense or obsessive desire in a way that is not pure. I replaced lust, with love. When I was about 15 I met this boy. He liked me, and I liked him. All seemed pretty great, until later down the road. He started to say, "I love you." And of course I just said it back, because I didn't know. I didn’t know what real "love" was. He told me how pretty I was and how much he wanted me. And that made me feel good. He made me feel like I was worth something. Something valuable. I started to become impure. My mind was thinking of all these unclean, impure things. These things made my heart black. Cold and Ugly. 

Then I started to look at myself and think my waist line should be thinner, and my legs should be toner. I could see my flaws, and I began to not care how modest my clothes were, to make myself look better. I wanted to be thin, and I wanted him to look at me and tell me I was worth something. When I dressed like that, I made him lust and become impure within his own heart. Ladies, we should never put that upon men. We should dress modestly and have men respect us for who we really are. When you dress to show off your body, do you really think that they look at you for what's inside? Girl's it doesn't matter if you're too short or too tall. Too wide, or too thin. What matters is what's inside. Because that is where you will find your true beauty! 

My mother is a precious woman, and I thank God for her. She would tell me how he wasn’t good for me. And of course, as the young rebellious child I was, I didn't want to listen. I wanted to always go against what she said. I thought it was my life, and I could do what I wanted. 

After a while, my boyfriend and I decided to take a bigger step in our relationship. After we took that awful step, everything went downhill from there. I was an emotional wreck. I didn't really know when enough was enough. But then I decided to stop this, because I just couldn't handle the emotion. I felt like I did the "right thing" by breaking up with my boyfriend, but I still never truly gave it up, all to God. Then summer came, and one day I got asked to come to Conway with my cousin. I thank God for her, because she gave me this verse, Proverbs 31. This gave me a guide to go by as a woman of God. 

We started to read our Bibles, and she talked to me about how God's love is so HUGE! Greater than any man could ever give me. This past that I have had, has changed me for the better. Of course if I could, I would take it back in a heartbeat, but I can't. So I will tell you how Jesus Christ, the perfect king, died on a cross for you and I. He can take this mess, and turn it into a message! Because God's love is so strong, he can change your life for eternity! 

As women, we just want to be loved. We want to feel like something valuable. Let me tell you, there is a man that will love you more than you could ever imagine! He wants you! He wants all of you! And I pray you feel this love like I do! His love isn't like any kind of love you have ever felt. It's a joy in your heart that brings you peace and comfort. Ladies, this man DIED for YOU! As those whips hit him and ripped through his flesh, he was thinking of you! 

The Almighty God knows you, and He wants to bring you in and love you. All you have to do is say God I give it all to you. It's simple. I praise him for changing my life, and I pray that maybe his work through me will make you realize his love for you. Jesus loves broken people, so it's okay not to be okay. Because that's why Jesus died on that cross. To save you. Because he loves you. 
Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

This young lady's life is the proof of Christ's love! 

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