Saturday, May 25, 2013

To give up more of me is to take in more of Jesus:

As I was reading my bible this morning, I was going through Deuteronomy.  Deuteronomy is Moses’ address to the generation of Israelites that were about to enter into the Promise Land.  Basically it is a historical summary of the exodus from Egypt, the journey through the desert and the evolution of Israel’s relationship with the LORD.  Moses was restating the laws and religious practices that had been established. 

What caught my attention is the number of times you find sayings such as freewill offerings, set aside, and sacrifice.  It dawned on me how a quality relationship with the LORD is so contingent on willfully sacrificing.  During this Old Testament era sacrifice was centered on what was harvested.  You read a lot about livestock, various grains, oils, produce…. 

Although the New Testament era does not call for sacrifice of animals and grains, it does still call for sacrifice. We are called to sacrifice our things like our talents and income.  More than anything, we are first called to sacrifice self.  I’m not talking about taking your life, I am talking about sacrificing your selfish desires and sin directed life.  In Christ your life is no longer “me first”, but “Christ first.” 

I got to thinking, am I sacrificing me, my selfish drives and sinful desires.  Is my Christian life noted for sacrifice?  Am I giving up my way for His way?  Do I feel like I am doing without so that He can do within?  In order to make the most out of my relationship with Jesus Christ then I must willingly and freely sacrifice my old life in order to gain the new life He has promised.  This is not a one-time event; this is to be a daily sacrifice. 

What are you sacrificing for the LORD? Is it time, money, fleshly desires, profane speech, sexual immorality, selfish desires, personal gain, your comfort zone, addictions, fear, anger, bitterness, pride, personal pleasures?... I know I don’t sacrifice enough.  I hope that my sacrifice is always more tomorrow that it was today.  To give up more of me is to take in more of Jesus.

Luke 9:23 Then Jesus said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must DENY himself and take up his cross DAILY and follow me.”

May my life be the proof and evidence of Christ’s Love!


1 comment:

  1. Hey! it’s been a while since I’ve checked your blog and scamming through your posts, I find that I should do it more often! :) and the thing about self-sacrifice, it definitely is hard to do when all our thoughts are selfish. Throughout my walk of faith, I’ve been pressing hard to give Christ all of me, but there are some days when I fall short and fail at doing so. It’s nice to be continually reminded of our purpose, to glorify God and allow him to carry out his plans through us. Thank you for your post and reminder!
