Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rhonda Jefferson

This is a testimony from and amazing and inpirational young lady that lives in my town, she is my neighbor.  We are so blessed to have her in our community.  She asked if I would share her testimony so here it is:

I wanna start this out by saying if you are standing in the need of a miracle don't give up your miracle it could be just around the corner . Just hold on our lord will show up he will take you through the fire again

The journey that I thought would end my life began in September of last year I had been sick with bronchitis and kept having a constant headache that would'nt go away .  We called the doctor 2 weeks later and told her I was just getting worse so she said come back in and she would do some tests . We went back in and she started doing some tests said my blood pressure was high my pulse was racing everything was out of wack. She did one final test because of my headache. We went home and was just about to crawl back in bed and the phone rang with every persons nighimare. I answered the phone and she told me get to University Medical Center now don't stop .

We got there and they admitted me right away into ICU.  I thought I was scheduled for surgery the next morning, but I ended up going home . We went back to the doctor December 27 for a follow up CT scan.  They had found a spot on the bottom of my brain stem and we had to go back 2 days after Christmas to see what they thought it was . They didn't have any idea of what it was all they would say is it was to deep to do surgery to just watch it . To make a long story short I went from January 27 till march with no answers .

Let me back up a little on February 26 was on a Sunday night the Lord spoke to me and said I'm gonna do something for you tonight . I had no idea what that meant. We had to go back to little rock on march 26th . On march 26 I went back for another CT scan . We went did the test then went to the doctors office . I Had such a peace that I knew something had happen.  I didn't share it with anyone . The doctorr came in looked at me and said why are you here . I told him why, he walked out then another doctor came in.  He said the spot we were watching is not there we can't find it we can't explain what happen .

God has truly blessed me since then he has opened a door for me to go back in to the nursing home ministry I'm truly grateful.

Rhonda Jefferson

2 Chronicles 20:15
He said: "Listen, King Jehoshaphat
and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem!
This is what the LORD says to you:
'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dark Clouds and Fiery Lights That Guide Us

I have been reading through the book of Exodus lately.  Today when I got to chapter 13, I just kind of was stuck on the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire that guided the Israelites.  I was not confused; I just began to think about how true that is even for us today.  I was not trying to take away for the actual miracle that God performed.  I have no doubt that God used actual pillars of clouds and fire.  

I had an epiphany with these pillars.  I do not think anyone can deny that we all have our ups and downs in life.  Ups being our good times and downs being our bad.  I got to thinking; God has given me pillars to guide me in my life and yours as well.  There not the same pillars as what the Israelites had, but nonetheless they are pillars to guide us.

So, what are these dark pillars?  When life is going good, the dark pillars of my life keep me from turning back to my mistakes.  They guide me down the path of righteousness and holiness.  This dark cloudy pillar is called conviction.  Conviction has come from knowledge and experience.  Knowledge because I have learned from God's word what sin looks like and the consequences of sin.  Experience, well I have made my mistakes and experienced the negative consequences first hand.  Either way, these dark clouds guide me and set boundaries for me so that I can continue walking in the light. 

How about those pillars of light?  When life is going bad, it is the pillars of light that guide me back out of the darkness.  Just like the dark pillars, they guide me to the path of righteousness and holiness.  Again, it is called conviction either by knowledge or experience.  In my Christian walk, God has showed me what righteousness and holiness look like.  He has told me, guided me by His spirit, and He has even allowed me to experience it.  It is these pillars of light that God directs me out of the darkness and back into His light. 

If your life is in Christ, listen to your heart.  God has blessed you with the Holy Spirit.  This very same spirit guides you with these pillars of darkness and light.  When you in the light and on that spiritual high, remember the darkness and how you felt.  Do not forget the consequences you have learned and let them convict you to stay in the light.  When you are in the darkness and that spiritual low, remember the light.  Do not forget the blessings that God bestowed upon you.  Focus on the light and let it guide you back to the path of holiness and righteousness.    

Exodus 13:21 
By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Conquering Giants Even at a McDonald's Play House

My second daughter Kaelyn was about 3 or 4 years old when she encountered her first bully.  We were in Rawlings Wyoming at the McDonalds.  Kaelyn was playing in the McPlay House climbing through the tunnels, sliding down the slides and just having a great time.  When all seemed to be fun and games, the bully entered the scene.  He was about 6 years old and 3 times her size.  If I didn’t know any better I would have thought this kid was trying to be the Goliath of the McPlay House.
Goliath was a pretty stout looking kid and appeared angry.  I watched him push other kids out of his way, block kids from going into tunnels, and even shove kids down slides.  Just as I was about to say something to his parents, I noticed Kaelyn and Goliath were having a face off. 

Goliath was in the ball pit and Kaelyn wanted in.  If Kaelyn went left Goliath went right to block her.  If she went right he went left and blocked her.  Instead of getting  angry, I was being entertained.  If you know my daughter, you know she is pretty tough and strong willed.  So I sat back and watched making sure he didn’t lay a hand on her.  After several attempts to enter the ball pit I heard a very pronounced and very bold voice say “Let me in or else!”  Goliath responded “No! Or else what?” 

At that point the standoff began.  Goliath on the inside had his arms crossed and bold smirk on his face.  He was defiantly standing his ground.  Kaelyn was at the entrance with her arms crossed and eyes glaring into his with a look that could kill.  What seemed liked several minutes had passed, neither one was going to back down.

Since the stand and glare off was not working, Kaelyn reached above her head and grabbed the bar above her, stepped back with eye glare still intact, and then she swung her body into the pit.  What seemed like a matrix move to me is what finally ended the standoff.  Kaelyn flew through the air and feet first she struck Goliath in the chest, he fell backwards and disappeared into the ball pit.  Nowhere to be seen, he was completely covered.   

With her bold and direct voice she stood over where he once stood and said “I told you to let me in!” Then followed the cries “Mommy she kicked me, waaaaa waaaaa waaaa, booooohooohooo…”  Then Goliath like a whipped puppy scrambled out of the pit and ran to his mother.  Whimpering Goliath’s mother said to him “I told you to be nice to other kids, you got what you deserved.”

 I love my daughter Kaelyn. She is one of the boldest people I know.  Sometimes she lacks constructiveness and can be a tad harsh, but she knows who she belongs to and the strength He has given her.  She never hesitates to stand for what she believes in. 

Here is the Brute
several years latter
We have giants in our lives, sometimes they are people and sometimes they are people.  Either way they are giants that intimidate us and even prevent us from doing God’s will.  We must be bold and courageous if we intend on winning the battles we face as Christians.  Thankfully, our boldness and courage comes from the Lord.  Embrace it and call upon it because with His strength you can knock those stupid giants down. 

I Corinthians 15:57
  But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory 
through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Corinthians 16:13 
  Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; 
be men of courage; be strong.        

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!     

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Do You Have a Refuge for the Storm?

About 30 years ago when I was living in Coral Springs Florida, it was a very small town with a population of about 15-20 thousand people.  Coral Springs was near the edge of the everglades and about as far west as you could build in western Broward County.  The area was covered in large areas of natural woods.  There were lots of undiscovered canals, ponds, and paradise like seclusions. 

Right behind my house growing up was a series of canals surrounded by these dense natural forests.  As a kid, every day was an adventure.  My friend Tony and I would set out almost every day seeking new discoveries.  We found large hills covered in fossilized shells, we found canals and ponds full of tropical fish and alligators, we found trees covered with parrots, lizards of all sizes, and flowers of every color you could imagine.  Our mission was to find our own personal paradise.  We wanted a place where we could go to forget about the problems in the world and feel safe.  An escape is what we wanted, a place no one else could find or go.

 I will never forget the day we found paradise.  Tony and I were walking through the woods, when we noticed a tree larger than any tree we had ever seen before.  I looked like a giant umbrella or parachute, bigger than both our homes combined.  As we entered into its canopy, we could not believe our eyes.  It was like a tropical rain forest, there were parrots and lizards everywhere.  That was not the best part.  This tree had trucks so thick and twisted; you could literally climb to the top through its maze.  Vines were hanging everywhere.  These vines were so thick that you could climb and swing on them.  This place was so amazing, even Tarzan would have been jealous. 

We found our refuge.  For a number of years, this place literally was our own personal paradise, a place of refuge and escape.  Just like everywhere else, Coral Springs grew.  Before long, the tree was exposed to the world and became a park.  Tree trimmers groomed its branches and vines taking away its enchanting beauty.  A few years ago, I heard that a hurricane caused enough damage to the tree that it had to be cut down. 
What I missed the most was having a place I could go to get away.  When I was there, I could talked about my problems, I could say what I wanted to and nobody cared, I could just lay there and be left alone, I could even go play and forget about the real world.  That tree was the one place I could always go to and feel safe.  It was my refuge.

I don't have the tree anymore, just memories. Sure, I wish I could go back to the day when it was hidden from the world and I go there alone or even take my closest friends and family.  Obviously, I can no longer do that, but I do have a refuge that I didn't have back then.  My refuge is the LORD.  He is far greater than any tropical paradise, His beauty is unfathomable, His intricacy is beyond words, He is always where when I need Him, He is with me in the crowds, He is with me in my solitude, He never leaves me or forsakes me, He cannot be taken away, Storms strengthen Him, He is my rock, my fortress, and He is my salvation.  His name is Jesus.  He can be your refuge as well.

This is a picture of my son Brenton
in the tree I just described.  I was able
to take him there in 2005 just before
a Hurricane took it away.  I am so glad
he got to see it and play in it with me.

Psalm 91:2
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sin Must Decrease and Christ Must Increase

Over the last 15 months, a boy in my youth has been fighting leukemia. He has had his ups and downs emotional, physically, spiritually, and bone marrowly. Yes I know "bone marrowly" is not a word, I made that up. Bone marrow is the key to what I am trying to parable today.

Over the months, Clay has received numerous medical treatments from, blood, platelets, steroids, antibiotics, electrolytes, medications, and chemo therapy. He is being treated day in and day out with a double barrel shotgun effect of treatments. Doctors have been very aggressive in treating his cancer.

This coming week Clay will have a bone marrow aspiration. Why the bone marrow aspiration? Because it is he best indication as to whether his treatments are effective in killing the cancer. Marrow will be aspirated from his bones and lab technicians will determine the percentage of cancers cells that are present in his body. Let me state the obvious. The higher the percentage the worse the cancer, the lower the cancer percentage the more effective treatments have been. Obviously prayers are that the percentages have decreased significantly.

I got to thinking, what if a soul marrow aspiration could be drawn. What would your sin percentage be? Would it be lower today than what it was when you accepted Christ into your life? Is it lower today than what it was last year, last month, last week, even yesterday? What treatments are you receiving to kill sin? Are you faithfully absorbing God's word, active in church, unceasingly praying, actively repenting, sacrificially serving.....? Sin is serous and must be treated with a shotgun effect of faithfulness.

With cancer, if there is healing then the cancer must decrease and healthy cells must increase. Just like cancer, if there is to be spiritual healing, sin must decrease and He must increase. Jesus Christ was pierced for our transgressions so that we may be saved.

John 3:30
He must become greater; I must become less.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Athletes Way of Discoverin​g Your Inner Faith

I remember a kid from our community who really had no athletic ability when it came to basketball.  I suggested to his parents that he try soccer, he did.  at first he was all left feet, but you could tell he had some talent.  With a little bit of coaching and encouragement, this kid began to realize that he could play soccer.  Once he discovered his inner soccer talents, he did everything he could to strengthen his ability.  He practiced daily, watched games on tv, exercised, went to camps, practiced hard, he pretty much did all that he could to make himself better.  Within no time, he was notably one of the best on the field. 

This kid went from being pathetic on a basketball bench to becoming the all-star starter on the soccer field.  Once thought to have no athletic ability to becoming one of the best out there.  Not only was his soccer skills impressive, his talents transferred onto the basketball court and the baseball field.  You could say he discovered his inner athlete.  Once he did, he liked it and did everything he could to nurture it.  He no longer sat the benches feeling sorry for himself, pouting and believing he was a failure.

Did you know that as Christians we have an inner gift that needs to be nurtured?  If you have truly surrendered  your life to Jesus Christ as your LORD and savior, you received the gift of the Holy Spirit.  

I Corinthians 6:19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

Are you are sitting on the bench of faith and feeling sorry for yourself, pouting and believing that you are a failure? Could it be because you really havent discovered the inner spirit? Could it be that you are not doing all it takes to nurture your faith?  That kid I was tlaking about, what if he never tried soccer?  what if he never tried? what if he never did all it took to better himself? He never would have discovered his inner athletic ability.  He still would have been an athlete on the inside and never knew it.

Want to discover your inner faith through the Holy Spirit?  Yes, then go do something about it.  Do everything you can to work it out.  Read you bible, study His word, faithfully attend church, pray daily, serve your neighbor, worship the LORD with all your heart mind and soul, do whatever it takes to thrive, and no matter what get off the couch or pew of "pouting and feeling sorry for yourself."  When you do, you will discover the promised fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Tim Lewis from Crossfire
helping a little boy from
Satu Mare, Romania
discover his inner athlete!

Philippians 2:12 ...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Praising the LORD Through The Plague - Exciting News!

A couple days ago, I wrote about God in the plagues of life.  I finished by saying that I was going to share some exciting news about how God is using our “plague” Huntington’s Chorea disease to let the world know He is LORD.  So, here I go with the exciting news.

Nearly two years ago my wife Carri had to resign her position as a nurse educator at a local college because of the effects Huntington’s was having on her.  Carri has her Masters degree as a nurse educator and taught in the field for 10+ years.  She absolutely loved her job and loved making new nurses.  Teaching nurses to her was not a profession, it was a life, a ministry, and it was who she was.  So when the time came that she had to resign because of our “Plague” she was devastated to some degree. It was a God thing; a position at the local Hospice house literally fell into her lap. 

Carri and I are very open about Huntington’s, how it has affected our family, and how God has blessed us through it.  Because of this a friend of Carri’s that works with her at the Hospice house saw something in my wife very special and different.  She was seeing God through her and Huntington's Disease by the way she worked, treated people, and was always going above and beyond the call of duty.

Debbie, the friend, nominated Carri for the REAL Award because of Huntington's Disease.  It is sponsored by “Save the Children”, and endorsed by big names such as “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”, and “Time Magazine.”  Carri has won the REAL Award in the category of Hospice for 2013.  This spring they will be flying her to Washington DC to be honored and given an opportunity to speak.  The REAL Award in not just a national honor, it is an international recognition. 

God has blessed our faithfulness to give our so called “Plague” Huntington’s to Him, allowing Him to use it to bring glory and honor to Himself.  Now God has given Carri an opportunity to stand on an international platform and address the world as to why she is and does the things she does.  Trust me; God will be given the glory.  In addition, there is some talk that Carri may be asked to speak at the Huntington’s Disease Association’s annual conference next year as well.  Again, if this comes to fruition, God will be given the glory and honor He so rightly deserves.

Here is a link to the press release on the REAL Awards website:

Carri serving on medical Missions in Nicaragua.

Psalm 119:50 
My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Even In Our Plagues God Is Lord

Years ago, I have vivid memories of discussing bad things in our lives with my wife Carri.  There was a time when one bad thing followed another.  Carri was constantly saying things like this, “I can’t relax or stop worrying.  What is going to happen next?” Something bad would happen, then we would pray and ask God to get us through, and He would.  We would be thankful for a few days and then quickly go back to our routine of leaving God out of our daily lives.  Before you knew it, another bad thing would happen.  We would go through the same routine each time.  “God help us through”, God delivered, and we went right back to leaving God out of our daily lives.  Like most people, we acknowledged God only when we needed Him.  When things were better, how quickly we would forget Him.

Huntington’s Chorea disease is one of those plagues in our lives.  However this time, Huntington’s is not going away.  Huntington’s is a plague that is here to stay.    Carri really struggled with this for a number of years.  “It’s a monster, it will destroy our family, and nothing good can come from Huntington’s.  I hate Huntington’s disease.”  Faithfully I would gently reply, “Huntington’s does not have to be a monster.  Our God is greater.”  I believed what I said, but I also believed in the back of my mind that God was going to shelter us from this dreaded disease.  After all, we were faithful, so we thought.

Recently I have been reading about the plagues in Egypt.  Like always, I ask myself “What is God trying to show me? How does this relate to today?” Sometimes there is a very direct message and other times there is a parallel message.  What I mean is this, direct messages are commands like “Do not murder.”  Parallel messages are things we can relate to because of similarities in our own lives.  These parallel messages give us a view of what God does and what God wants in similar circumstances.  Our God is faithful, merciful, just, and gracious.  By these parallels, we can anticipate what God can do and how we can embrace His mercy and grace.  I hope that makes sense.

The plagues over Egypt are one of those parallels.  What we find is God plaguing Pharaoh’s kingdom in order to reveal that He is LORD.  It is not just the Egyptians that God is reveling Himself to, it is the Israelites as well. 

During the plagues, Pharaoh would acknowledge God and asked Mosses to intervene.  God would remove the plague and quickly Pharaoh would harden his heart forgetting that God is LORD.  Do you parallel Pharaoh? When the plagues of life strike, do you call upon God to rescue you?  Soon after you have been rescued, does your heart become hard as evidenced by leaving God out of your daily life? 
Does your life parallel Mosses and the Israelites? They endured the same plagues as Pharaoh, but God sheltered them from the pain and suffering.  Yes I understand the Israelites were not perfect.  They too forgot God repeatedly throughout history.  I’m just talking about the plagues of Egypt.  God sheltered them each time a plague was brought down upon the land.  Faithfully through His mercy and grace, God delivered the Israelites from their actual plague, the bondage and slavery in Egypt.  Soon after, they forgot.  So, the cycle repeated itself in the desert.  "God save us", then forget He is LORD.

Now, let me get back to Carri and Huntington’s disease.  For a number of years our lives paralleled that of Pharaoh and the Israelites.  We did not like the plague we were facing and that hardened our hearts to a certain degree.  Through this plague there have been times when we felt rescued and times when we felt enslaved and in bondage to its wrath.  We finally came to terms with God on December 19, 2005.  I even wrote about “December 19, 2005” in my blog, you can read it if you so desire. 

Here is the truth that I want to make known about this plague called Huntington’s disease.  God is our shelter in this storm, and He is our refuge for our weakness.  We have truly learned to call upon His name and surrender it all to Him.  We no longer cry out for relief and then quickly forget Him in our daily lives.  Just like the Israelites who weathered the storms of life, God was faithful to deliver them in spite of their unfaithfulness.  Those who did remain faithful were able to experience His mercy and grace like never before. 

It is through our faithfulness that we are sheltered from our plague.  We will praise Him in this storm.  Just like God said through Mosses to Pharaoh and His people, “I have allowed these things so that you may know I am LORD.”  We know beyond any doubt that He is LORD.  Tomorrow I will share some exciting news of how God is using our plague so that others will know “He is LORD.”

Exodus 6:7
I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Friday, January 18, 2013


During my wife's pregnancy of our first child, I learned a lot of valuable lessons.  One in particular, don't argue with a pregnant woman ever.  So I learned to go with the flow and try to make her as comfortable as possible.  Even when possible was not possible. 

One afternoon, we were sitting in our living room and Carri was hungry.  I asked her what she wanted to eat and she replied with a "I don't care whatever." I went into the kitchen knowing "whatever" was not going to satisfy her need.  I began to suggest various meals based on what we had in our cabinets and refrigerator.  "How about Chicken and rice?" "No." "How about meat loaf?" "No."  "How about fish?" "No." "How about steak?" "No." How about spaghetti?" "No." How about cereal?" "No." "How about green peas, pickles, and ice cream?" "ummmmmm, aaaaaaa, yea, welllllllll, aaaaaaaaaa, no not tonight."  My immediate thought to that response, "Thank you Jesus!"  Then the voice of a demon shouted with a very deep and growling voice that shook the walls "THERE IS NOTHING TO EAT IN THIS HOUSE!!!!" 
"Would you like to go grocery shopping and get anything and everything you want?" "Sure, fine, lets go."

So off we went to the grocery store.  I bet we spent three hours shopping.  We must have filled five shopping carts (just kidding), and spent $98745634891.00 on something to eat.  After check out, I pushed and pulled the train of carts while Carri waddled back to our vehicle.  I asked, "so what do you want to eat tonight?"  "I don't know yet, there are so many choices, I don't know what to choose."  Once we got home, I unloaded and put all the groceries away. When I was done, I kindly, patiently, and gently asked, "So, what sounds good to eat for dinner?" "I don't know, I'll come in there and decide."

As the waddler approached the kitchen, I felt it best that I remove myself from the environment.  Something told me that this deciding was not going to go well.  At first, I head drawers open, then drawers close.  Cabinets open. then cabinets close.  Fridge open, fridge close.  Then it progressed to SLAM! BANG!, BAM! SLAM!,SLAM!, BAM!, SLAM!, BAM!, BANG!......all the slam, bangs, and bams were interwoven with that demon like voice, "THERE........ IS...... NOTHING...... TO..... EAT.......  IN....... THIS....... STUPID....... HOUSE."  I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut at this point in the pregnancy.  Never ever argue with an angry pregnant woman, she might kill you.

Long story short, Carri ended up eating green peas, ketchup and jalapeno peppers mixed together topped of with ice cream for dessert. 

Do you ever get hungry spiritually?  I do.  Its funny how when we get hungry spiritually and we still don't bother to do anything aobut it.  When we are physically hungry, we will find something to eat.  Spritually, we have no excuse to go hungry.  Whatever that need is hunger or thirst, there is always something to satisfy us.  All you have to do is go to God's word and you will be filled.  God will meet your need.  

A couple of guys form our mission team,
they went to "Big Burger" because there
was nothing to eat at the hotel....and 20
more of us went with them....

John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Do Your Actions Prove Your Words?

You know, it is so easy to throw around words. We can say what is right when we need to. We tweet, text, and post status that all sound good. Most people can make themselves look pretty good with words, even if that means telling lies. We can pass of lies easily if and when we want to.

I've shared numerous testimonies about myself on this blog. If this blog is all you know about me, you might be impressed or not. Hopefully you take what I have written for what God intended and not for the image of me. If you follow my Blog, my hope is that you will discover God's truths through it.

Here is what I am trying to get at. I once was taking care of a drug addict and I was sharing my testimony with him. when I was finished he said this. "I believe you." I though OK good I wanted you to believe me. Then he said "Do you want to know whyI believe you?" "Yes I do want to know why." He then said this, "The proof of your hearts desires are in your actions, not your words. You have shown me by your actions that you are telling the the truth. You treat me different that most people, I can tell you care. " He accepted Christ that day as His Lord and savior because my actions proved God's truth.

Words are important, and we need to use them. Words can reveal a lot of good things about your faith. Just a few short words can destroy your testimony in an instant. But the real proof of your faith is not in words, it is in your actions. Jesus even said "Don't tell them, go show them." My challenge to you, Don't tell them, go show them.

Make sure your actions prove your words.

Matthew 8:3-4 Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy.4 Then Jesus said to him, "See that you don't tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them."

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Little Things are Priceless, Go Do Them

Have you ever noticed how little things can mean so much? Sure big things are nice, but they don't seem to have the same lasting impact that the little things have. Big things tend to be material, monetary, or both. Those can be huge needs in our life. But they fade. Monetary gets spent, material loses is value and even purpose over time.

How about little things? Like a smile, a warm welcome, a voice of concern, intentional time spent with someone in need, a quick note of encouragement, a text that says I am thinking about you,, a message that's says I'm praying for you, reaching out to a stranger, stoping to check on a stranded motorist, even paying for a meal for someone you don't even know. There are so many little things that leave a lasting impression. They can change the moral course of the future. They can remold the aura of societies heart.

Why is this? I believe the little things are not so little. They are not material so they will not perish. You can not place a monetary value on them, therefore they are priceless. The little things that really matter are the things we give of ourselves. When we sacrifice a smile, a word, a deed, a moment, an hour, an ear to listen, a day, our own personal need, whatever we can sacrifice of our selves is giving a piece of you to someone else. It's these little things that inspire others to give of themselves in order to help, inspire, and encourage others.

I've been blessed this week to experience these little things. I've seen them at MD Anderson, I've seen them at the Ronald McDonald house, and I have seen them on the streets. Enough of these little things will change not only a persons life, but they can change the world we live in. Little things can make this world a better place. Choose this day to do the little things, others will pay it forward because you cared.

Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

May my life be the proof and evidence if His love.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Is Darwinism / Evolutionism a Science?

Recently, I have become fascinated with apologetics. My fascination came after my daughter and I were discussing science of the origins of life. She was saying that good science must not be based on religion or philosophy. It must be based on science it self. However, theories are based on philosophy either theistic or atheistic. The concluding proof must be based on scientific fact in order to be an absolute truth.

So with all that in mind, I have been reading and studying the origins of life. I have read and studied Darwinism/Evolutionism and Creation. Here is what I have discovered. Darwinism/Evolutionism is scientific to some degree, however its backbone to support itself is based on philosophical theories. So much so that I can't help but view this as philosophy and not science.

Here is why i say this. Darwinism and Evolution is intriguing to some degree. However when it comes down to the origin of life there are only two possibilities. One is accident the other is intentional. Either something came from nothing by accident, or some came from nothing intentionally. Obviously we can not deny that something exists because there is something all around us.

Darwinism/Evolutionism refuses to consider one of the causes and that is intentional. When you study all the scientific evidence to support accident there is nothing to prove. All absolute scientific evidence concludes that accident is not probable. With that said, intentional has to be the answer.

What is that intentional beginning? I know what I believe beyond any doubt.

What about you, are you absolutely sure beyond doubt that what you believe is absolute truth? or is what you believe a relative philosophy? If you were wrong, would you want to know before it was too late? I would.

John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."

John 1:1-4 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 He was with God in the beginning.3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

You Are Not An Accident

You are not an accident formed by nothing more than a pond scums chance of becoming human in a billion years. I have been reading a book called "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist." I honestly had no idea there was so much evidence disproving evolution. I have always believed in creation. Know I am left wondering how in the world can anyone find a glimmer of hope in Darwinism evolution? You do not need to be super intelligent to figure out that darwinism is nothing more than a myth. Common sense alone leads you to the simple fact that intelligent creation is the only plausible cause for our being.

What a depressing thought to believe that you are nothing more than a conglomeration of non viable elements that became viable by accident. That would mean you have no purpose, no meaning, no hope, no reality, no truth, no nothing. You would only be here just to take up space, mingle with other globs for a while and then die. What would be the point.

Objectively, there is only 2 plausible truths to our existence. Either we are a random accident or we were created by an intelligent being. It is either one or the other and it can't be both. So if we consider the indisputable scientific evidence, then I believe common sense alone can answer the big question.

So here is just a couple scientific facts. Yes facts, not theories.

1. The anthropic principle: In order for this world to sustain life, there are over 100 known variables that must have been precisely in place at the exact same moment and maintained throughout time. Otherwise, life would be impossible. things like; Gas levels of our air, gravity, thickness and density of atmosphere, position of the moon, centrifugal force of the earths rotation, the earths axis, humidity, just to name a couple

2. First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy is not infinite, it is finite. This means that there is only a certain amount of energy and those energy stores will run out, they can't be replaced. Like gas in the car, if yo do not fill up, your car will quit running. There is no scientific evidence to prove we are running out of energy.

3. Second Law of Thermodynamics: Things naturally fall apart and bring disorder.

4. Inside the cells of every living organism is contained DNA. DNA is comprised of only 4 nitrogen bases. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine. Those four bases comprise the genetic code that transcribes the makeup of each cell. Each code is the equivalent of filling out 1,000 complete sets of encyclopedias. That kind of precision can not possibly occur by chance. think about the thousands and thousands of different living cells in this world. All of which have their own unique genetic code. All codes unique to themselves using the same 4 base elements.

5. Nothing in science can explain the first cause of viable life.

6. Scientific fact of irreducible complexity: The short and sweet, everything that is of vital importance can not be reduced in its structure and maintain its viable function. Everything from the microscopic systems from within a cell to organ systems themselves.

7. There is no scientific cause for morality or emotions. Sure chemicals in your brain cause emotions, but they are chemicals not emotions.

There is so much more but that is just a sample. So I ask this question with these facts in mind; are we accidentally or intelligently created?

Psalm 139:13-14 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Is God Missing Your Voice?

Ok, so I have been in Houston for a week now. Seven days seems like a long time especially when your are away form your family. Then add hospital into the mix. Minutes seem like hours, hours like days, days, like weeks.... and so on. Before you get the wrong impression, I am so blessed to be able to be here in Houston. I am glad I have been able to sit by Clay's side and help his mom. There is so much blessing in giving and serving.

Here is what I am really getting at, I miss my family. I miss seeing their faces, hearing their voices and just being around them. Even when they are being grumpy. I haven't heard much from my kids, and that is kind of sad. When I have, it was either needing something or just a quick conversation. My son, I just heard his voice for the first time tonight since I left last saturday. We did no talk long because he was at a basketball game and it was loud so we texted instead.

I am not complaining, I know they have been busy. I have been hard to reach as well. I just miss their voices and want to hear from them. There is just something comforting about hearing their voices. My wife and I talk everyday, thank goodness. If not I would go crazy, after all she is the mother of my children.

No matter what, there is always time to call someone, even if it is just for a short time. Sadly, we have excuses. Too busy, too tired, too late, too early, tomorrow... before you know it, it has been days, weeks, months, even years since you have talked to someone. We do that to God. We make excuses and honestly, there is no excuse. He doesn't require cell service, wifi, minutes, electricity, or anything.

Is God missing your voice?

Luke 18:1
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Quit Clowning around and go talk to God.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sin is Like a Cancer, It Kills From Within


Finally today Clay's chemo therapy was started. Bessie and I were both so excited! As usual, I got to thinking about the whole situation. Chemo, excited about chemo. That is really crazy if you think about it. If you know anything about Chemo, then you understand that it is a poison, a very toxic chemical. Chemo is a very dangerous medication that kills and destroys. I also makes you very sick and causes your hair to fall out, and we are excited about it.

If your child drank poison would you be excited? probably, but not in the same way. You would be excited in the fact you would be rushing to the hospital to save their life. So here we are, excited and smiling because Clay is going to be infused with poison. For the obvious reason, we are excited because the chemo is what will kill the cancer.

Gladly without any hesitation, thumbs up for the drug. It is a go in spite of the fact it is going to make him very sick. We know that he will have to suffer some in order to destroy the cancer. So yea we are cool with that. Yes Clay will suffer, but his suffering will lead to his healing. Chemo will destroy the cancer cells. Once they are gone, then his body can heal with healthy cells.

I got to thinking, the Holy Spirit is like chemo for our souls. When you accept the Holy Spirit, He indwells you from the inside. Toxic, not really but the Holy Spirit will attempt to cleanse you of your sin. It is called sanctification. Sanctification is the process by which we are made holy. The more sin that is removed from within our hearts, the more sanctified we become. Sin is like a cancer, it destroys us from the inside out.

Just like chemo, sanctification is a choice. Choose sanctification and expect to get clean. Yes it will hurt. It is like God taking your life and squeezing you so hard that all the bad stuff comes to surface and you really begin to see yourself for what you really are. As each of those bad things are realized, you have a choice. keep it or repent. keep it and it is like cancer that chemo does not kill. Repent, and it is destroyed. Repenting means you walk away from that sin and return to it no more.

2 Corinthians 7:1 1 
Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

John 16:7-8 
But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Sin just simply messes you up!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Do Something, Anything, Whatever, Just Do It.

The last few days as I have been sitting by Clay's side in the Critical Care Unit at MD Anderson.  He has been really sick.  Blood counts near zero, blood pressures below normal, heart rate too fast, temperatures of 103+, skin the color gray, lips as white as snow, fluid infection around his heart, and sleeping all the time.  There are seven iv pumps all delivering a different medications, platelets and blood.  All in the hopes of Clay becoming stable enough so he can receive the much needed chemo drugs.  

Doctors come in, doctors go out, nurses in, nurses out, respiratory therapist in and out, cardiac echo tech in and out, chaplain in and chaplain goes out not even offering up a prayer.  All this activity rushing around all the while, Clay just lays there in his bed.  An occasional grumble is the best we get.  

As I sit by his side, I am constantly praying "God, give us something, anything, just whatever so we can see some hope."  Vital signs improve, vitals signs fall back, eyes open, then eyes immediately shut, words are mumbled but only because of drugs.  Every time the littlest thing happens you think "this is it, he is going to get better."  But then he goes right back to where he was.

You find yourself praying to God and at the same time talking to Clay in your head.  "Clay, just do something, anything, whatever, just show us some sign of hope."  Yes, it gets frustrating, sitting and waiting, hoping, looking and waiting, watching, and more waiting.  The clock ticks slower with every thought of possible hope.  Tic... Toc.. .Tic.......... toc.......... Tic.................... Toc.................... Tic...................................................... Toc................................................. Tic.. and no Toc.  Thoughts go on "Come on God, come Clay, just do something, anything, just do it whatever it is."

I got to thinking, does God feel this way about us?  Clay is sick and we expect to see what is happening to him.  Spiritually are we acting like we are sick?  Are we just laying there doing nothing? All the while God is watching and thinking do something, anything, whatever just do something and quit acting like you are sick.  Did you know that when we act like this for no reason, we make our Lord sick.  He literally says he wants to spit us out of his mouth.  Think about it, does the  proof of your faith prove it is alive?

This afternoon, prayers were answered for Clay.  He got out of bed and sat in a chair for about 5 minutes.  After he got back in bed he stayed awake for almost 2 hours.  He talked and laughed, and watched tv.  Then he said "I'm hungry, can I have something to eat."  It may not seem like much for most people, but it was huge milestone for Clay.  I had tears just watching and thinking about how far he came today.  

Thank you Jesus for showing us something today through Clay.  May your hand continue to embrace him and bring healing to his body.  Do whatever it takes to bring glory and honor to yourself and show others who you are through Clay. 

Revelations 3:15-16
 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  16 So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Remembering Your First Love!

It was on a tropical island beach in the Marshall Islands when I found my first love.  I was walking down the white sandy beach when her beauty first caught my eye.  Her eyes were dark, like a deep rich cocoa color, a body with curves like I had never seen before, and her color was a rich golden brown.   The closer I got, the more entranced I became to her beauty.  Before I knew it, I was running in slow motion in her direction.  The ocean breeze was blowing threw my hair and the sound of love was in the air.  It was like a romance movie seen.  

Finally, I made it to where she lay so beautifully in the sand.  I stopped and starred into her dark cocoa eyes and she starred back into mine.  It was love at first site, I knew she was all that I wanted and needed.  I knew in my heart she wanted to be mine.  

I reached out and embraced her with my hands, not a single word was spoken as I lifted her up.  I think we twirled around several times, dancing to the beat of my heart.  The twirling stopped, silence remained, but our hearts were speaking to one another.  "I love you, I need you, I want you, will you be mine."

I was certain this love was real. I could feel it from deep into my heart.  As my eyes starred into hers,  I heard a gentle whisper in my ear "Kiss, kiss, kiss."  I puckered up my lips and went in for that first kiss.  With my eyes closed as if I were receiving my first true love kiss, my lips met her....."OOOOOOUCH!!!!!! 

I ran to my mom crying with her still attached to my tongue, she would not let go.  with a very thick tongue I mumbled and these muffled tones,  "Mom!!!, mom!!!, she bit me, she bit me and wont let go."  You see I met my first love when I was about 4, she was a hermit crab.  Kissing was not her thing.

Seriously though, do you remember your first love?  I do, I remember seeing my wife for the very first time.  I remember where she was standing, what she was wearing and who I was with.  I remember it with such clarity that it seems like yesterday.  

There is even a greater love that I will never forget.  Christ Jesus.  Do you have this love? if so, are you like so many others who have forgotten?  It is by our thoughts, actions, and deeds that reveal if you have forgotten His love.  How are you living your life to prove you have His love? What choices are you making that show His love?  what are you doing that proves your love?  or have you forgotten and your life no longer resembles God's sacrificial love?
Me and my First Love!

Romans 10:32 
Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering.

Revelations 2:4 
Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!


Psalm 6:9 “The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer.”

Monday, January 7, 2013

What Does God's Grace Look Like?

So what does God's grace look like? I'm not sure I can fully answer that question.  Actually I know I can't even come close to answering that question.  Here is what I do know, even just a small sample, a scratch of the surface look at God's grace alone can be sufficient enough.    

After yesterday's blog, here was God's response to me.   "you have been seeing with my eyes, hearing with my ears, feeling with my heart.  There are times when you have been my hands and feet.  You are not me, there will be times when My grace is sufficient enough for you.  There will be times when you just can't do what only I can do.  Trust me, there are times when My grace is all there is to do."  

This is what I have concluded from my experiences these past few days.  God's people, the ones who surrender faithfully and serve are the surface, the glimpse of God's grace.  Time and time again, this small expression of grace is sufficient enough.

I faithfully pray that I will have the eyes, ears, heart, tongue, hands, feet, and everything else about me of The Lord.  When I or anyone else surrenders their whole being to be used by God, He uses it to express His grace.  

So what does this grace, this superficial expression of God's grace look like? Let me share what I have seen.  It is that sacrificed time to be with someone who hurts, it is that gentle arm that delivers a hug, it is that smile that brightens someone's day, it is that ear that listens, that mouth that encourages, those eyes that cry, it is a sincere prayer, a phone call to see what is needed, it is that guy or girl behind the counter who gives you a discount because they have been where you are, a text that says I love you, that message that says I'm thinking of you, it is that shared bible verse, money given freely, it is a nurse who stays late, a doctor who won't go home, it is that person next to you who leads the way, it is the expression of empathy, sincere sympathy, it is meals provided as a ministry, a card that says I'm here for you, it is a handshake, a pat on the back, a friend who will sit by you side even in silence, a free ride, it is taking care of an errand for another, cleaning up someone's else's mess, changing a bed, washing someone's clothes, forgiving someone else's grouchiness, wiping away a friends tears, a shoulder to cry on, a meaningful conversation to clear a mind, sleepless night spent in prayer, it is any and all sacrifices of any kind great and small that are given freely to lift up and encourage another.  

I can't even begin to share all that I have seen and witnessed these past few days.  Everywhere I look everywhere I turn, I am constantly reminded of how great God's grace can be.  If each of us would only be the hands, the feet, the heart, the tongue, and the eyes of our Lord.  How much greater would grace be? 

John 13:15-17 
 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Honestly, another man can not be all that someone else needs.  Sure we can do all kinds of things that offer up hope, fill a need, and even bring comfort to a hurting heart.  But through it all if we truly want what we really need, it can only be found when you are on your knees.  It is when no one else can be there, no one can relieve the pain, no one can fix what is broken, no one has the answers, when nothing else can be done that we find what we really need at the feet of the one who loves us, who died for us, who will redeem us, who will heal us.  His name is Jesus.  His grace reaches way beyond our need.  Nothing is to far, to deep, to broken, to lost, to hurt, nothing is beyond His reach.  

You know you are experiencing His grace when everything seems to be falling apart and yet you still have a peace.  A peace that surpasses all understanding, a peace that keeps you from falling apart, a peace that no one else can offer.  It is that peace that makes you feel that you are at rest in His arms.  

In order to find this peace, you have to not just know about Christ, you have to know Him personally.  God's word tells us that if we admit that we are sinners, believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and confess Him as our Lord over our lives, then we will be saved.  Once you are saved, you will find yourself wrapped in His arms saturated by His grace.  It is this grace that is always sufficient enough.  Everything else is just a small part of the experience He chooses to reveal and share through those who are faithful to sacrifice and serve.

Psalm 136:12
with a mighty hand and outstretched arm; "His love endures forever."

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!