Friday, January 18, 2013


During my wife's pregnancy of our first child, I learned a lot of valuable lessons.  One in particular, don't argue with a pregnant woman ever.  So I learned to go with the flow and try to make her as comfortable as possible.  Even when possible was not possible. 

One afternoon, we were sitting in our living room and Carri was hungry.  I asked her what she wanted to eat and she replied with a "I don't care whatever." I went into the kitchen knowing "whatever" was not going to satisfy her need.  I began to suggest various meals based on what we had in our cabinets and refrigerator.  "How about Chicken and rice?" "No." "How about meat loaf?" "No."  "How about fish?" "No." "How about steak?" "No." How about spaghetti?" "No." How about cereal?" "No." "How about green peas, pickles, and ice cream?" "ummmmmm, aaaaaaa, yea, welllllllll, aaaaaaaaaa, no not tonight."  My immediate thought to that response, "Thank you Jesus!"  Then the voice of a demon shouted with a very deep and growling voice that shook the walls "THERE IS NOTHING TO EAT IN THIS HOUSE!!!!" 
"Would you like to go grocery shopping and get anything and everything you want?" "Sure, fine, lets go."

So off we went to the grocery store.  I bet we spent three hours shopping.  We must have filled five shopping carts (just kidding), and spent $98745634891.00 on something to eat.  After check out, I pushed and pulled the train of carts while Carri waddled back to our vehicle.  I asked, "so what do you want to eat tonight?"  "I don't know yet, there are so many choices, I don't know what to choose."  Once we got home, I unloaded and put all the groceries away. When I was done, I kindly, patiently, and gently asked, "So, what sounds good to eat for dinner?" "I don't know, I'll come in there and decide."

As the waddler approached the kitchen, I felt it best that I remove myself from the environment.  Something told me that this deciding was not going to go well.  At first, I head drawers open, then drawers close.  Cabinets open. then cabinets close.  Fridge open, fridge close.  Then it progressed to SLAM! BANG!, BAM! SLAM!,SLAM!, BAM!, SLAM!, BAM!, BANG!......all the slam, bangs, and bams were interwoven with that demon like voice, "THERE........ IS...... NOTHING...... TO..... EAT.......  IN....... THIS....... STUPID....... HOUSE."  I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut at this point in the pregnancy.  Never ever argue with an angry pregnant woman, she might kill you.

Long story short, Carri ended up eating green peas, ketchup and jalapeno peppers mixed together topped of with ice cream for dessert. 

Do you ever get hungry spiritually?  I do.  Its funny how when we get hungry spiritually and we still don't bother to do anything aobut it.  When we are physically hungry, we will find something to eat.  Spritually, we have no excuse to go hungry.  Whatever that need is hunger or thirst, there is always something to satisfy us.  All you have to do is go to God's word and you will be filled.  God will meet your need.  

A couple of guys form our mission team,
they went to "Big Burger" because there
was nothing to eat at the hotel....and 20
more of us went with them....

John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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