Thursday, January 3, 2013

It Is In Our Comfort That The Devil Best Destroys

Back in the mid 70's I lived in Naperville, Illinois.  Back when Naperville was nothing more than a farming community.  My house was settled back in a culdesac with our back yard bordering a huge open field.  That field offered so much adventure for a kid my age.  One adventure in particular occurred in the winter.  I believe it was the blizzard of 1976-1977. 

It was one of the heaviest snows I had ever seen in my life.  Snow was drifted up to the second story window of our home.  Naperville had become a winter wonderland.  A snowy Disney world right in my back yard.  We had a blast sledding, jumping into snow drifts, and digging deep burrows and tunnels everywhere.  The more exciting our adventures became, the further we drifted away from our homes.  snow ball fights, snowmen, and igloos were everywhere along our path. 

We were having a blast, not even considering the hazards of such a harsh storm and below 0 temperatures.  Then all of the sudden, we discovered the mother of all snow playgrounds.  It was like Glory on ice, it must have come from God.  We found the hugest, most ginormous snow drift with a steep embankment that flowed right onto a frozen pond.  We had no cares in the world except sliding down this drift out onto the ice at such high speeds, that the velocity almost broke the sound barrier. 

I must have slid down the drift a thousand times over a period of days.  The warmer it became, the slicker and faster the ride became.  The moment finally arrived, I slid so fast, that when I hit bottom the sonic boom exploded!..and then the ice cracked.  Before I knew it, I was submerged in the ice and water.  I was scared, at first I could not get out.  finally, I let my wet gloves freeze on the ice that was still intact, then I pulled myself out of the water by my frozen gloves.

I don't think my gloves made it home that day, I barely did.  I remember so much fear not knowing if I was going to get out to begin with.  That day, I went all alone. Once I finally freed myself, I was so cold.  my hands, feet, and face were in so much pain.  by the time I reached my house, my snow pants were completely froze solid.  I could not bend my knees, I walked stiffed legged at least 100 miles up hill in the snow.  At least it felt like it.  All the while realizing how stupid I was.  I became so comfortable in what I was doing day after day, that I completely ignored all the dangers.

Sin and pleasure is so much the same way.  We get comfortable and just simply enjoy what we are doing, completely oblivious to the dangers we are facing.  Before we know it, we or someone else gets hurt.  Sometimes, the consequences last forever.  The devil wants us to think we are safe.  The fact is,  he is just waiting for that opportunity to strike so that he can destroy our lives.  What better way to bring someone down than to give them the sense of fun and safety.  It is in our comfort that the devil best destroys.

I Peter 5:8
Be self-controlled and alert.
Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion
looking for someone to devour.
May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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