Friday, January 25, 2013

Sin Must Decrease and Christ Must Increase

Over the last 15 months, a boy in my youth has been fighting leukemia. He has had his ups and downs emotional, physically, spiritually, and bone marrowly. Yes I know "bone marrowly" is not a word, I made that up. Bone marrow is the key to what I am trying to parable today.

Over the months, Clay has received numerous medical treatments from, blood, platelets, steroids, antibiotics, electrolytes, medications, and chemo therapy. He is being treated day in and day out with a double barrel shotgun effect of treatments. Doctors have been very aggressive in treating his cancer.

This coming week Clay will have a bone marrow aspiration. Why the bone marrow aspiration? Because it is he best indication as to whether his treatments are effective in killing the cancer. Marrow will be aspirated from his bones and lab technicians will determine the percentage of cancers cells that are present in his body. Let me state the obvious. The higher the percentage the worse the cancer, the lower the cancer percentage the more effective treatments have been. Obviously prayers are that the percentages have decreased significantly.

I got to thinking, what if a soul marrow aspiration could be drawn. What would your sin percentage be? Would it be lower today than what it was when you accepted Christ into your life? Is it lower today than what it was last year, last month, last week, even yesterday? What treatments are you receiving to kill sin? Are you faithfully absorbing God's word, active in church, unceasingly praying, actively repenting, sacrificially serving.....? Sin is serous and must be treated with a shotgun effect of faithfulness.

With cancer, if there is healing then the cancer must decrease and healthy cells must increase. Just like cancer, if there is to be spiritual healing, sin must decrease and He must increase. Jesus Christ was pierced for our transgressions so that we may be saved.

John 3:30
He must become greater; I must become less.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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