Friday, January 4, 2013

Boring! Is that what you are?

Have you ever got tired of something or even someone?  I have I use to get tired of certain albums or songs that I listened to over and over.  Hit songs get boring when they are over played on the radio.  I have been tired of driving.  Especially driving I70 across Kansas.  

My son wrote a story once about our drive across Kansas.  His mom was trying to find something for him to do because he was "so bored", so she suggested that he write a story about our trip.  Brenton liked that idea because he was very creative.  

The whining ceased and the writing began.  He was silent for at least and hour.  I was watching in the rear view mirror.  Brenton would write a little, then stare out the window for a little bit, then write some more.  He was so intent in what he was doing.  I bet he wrote for over an hour.  

The excitement in his voice was just precious "okay mom! I am done, do you want to read my story."  Brenton was about six or seven at this time.  You could tell by his excitement and the tone of his voice that he had written a best seller.  At least in his mind he had, or maybe in his mind he was about to prove a point.  You see Brenton has a way of making people laugh and a way of getting people to see things his way.

Carri with a joyful tone replied "I would love to read your story!"  "Okay here it is, read it out loud so everyone can listen, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!"  Carri began the story titled something like this "My boring trip across Kansas."  

"Dead grass, wheat, dead grass, wheat, more dead grass and wheat (repeated several times), road sign, dead grass, wheat, road, wheat, wheat, wheat, dead grass, tumble weed, dead grass, wheat.........road sign, oh look! There is a cloud,  more wheat and dead grass, road sign!  Water!!!!! Never mind it was a mirage, dead grass, wheat, wheat.......worlds largest ground hog sign, whoopie!  Dead grass wheat...........Kansas is BORING, the end.  That is the cliff notes to Brenton's 10 page story about his trip across Kansas.  

He smiled and asked his mom "So did you like my story?"  "I loved it son."  "Tell me the truth mom."  "Well was um...well let's just say it was creative."  "The truth mom!" "Ok fine, it was creative and boring."  "See! I told you Kansas was boring, now do you believe me?"

I shared this story because I can't help but wonder, is my life boring to The Lord?  Am I caught up in the monotony and repetition of life?  Is my life know for the same old same old, day after day?  Shouldn't I bring something new to The Lord?  If I am growing in my faith, then there should be more for me to sing and shout about.  I need to be doing more than what I was before.  I don't ever want to live the good enough Christian life.  My savior Jesus Christ deserves more from me.  How about you?

Psalm 33:3 Sing to Him a new song, play skillfully, and shout for joy.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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