Saturday, January 12, 2013

Is God Missing Your Voice?

Ok, so I have been in Houston for a week now. Seven days seems like a long time especially when your are away form your family. Then add hospital into the mix. Minutes seem like hours, hours like days, days, like weeks.... and so on. Before you get the wrong impression, I am so blessed to be able to be here in Houston. I am glad I have been able to sit by Clay's side and help his mom. There is so much blessing in giving and serving.

Here is what I am really getting at, I miss my family. I miss seeing their faces, hearing their voices and just being around them. Even when they are being grumpy. I haven't heard much from my kids, and that is kind of sad. When I have, it was either needing something or just a quick conversation. My son, I just heard his voice for the first time tonight since I left last saturday. We did no talk long because he was at a basketball game and it was loud so we texted instead.

I am not complaining, I know they have been busy. I have been hard to reach as well. I just miss their voices and want to hear from them. There is just something comforting about hearing their voices. My wife and I talk everyday, thank goodness. If not I would go crazy, after all she is the mother of my children.

No matter what, there is always time to call someone, even if it is just for a short time. Sadly, we have excuses. Too busy, too tired, too late, too early, tomorrow... before you know it, it has been days, weeks, months, even years since you have talked to someone. We do that to God. We make excuses and honestly, there is no excuse. He doesn't require cell service, wifi, minutes, electricity, or anything.

Is God missing your voice?

Luke 18:1
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

Quit Clowning around and go talk to God.

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