Monday, January 7, 2013

What Does God's Grace Look Like?

So what does God's grace look like? I'm not sure I can fully answer that question.  Actually I know I can't even come close to answering that question.  Here is what I do know, even just a small sample, a scratch of the surface look at God's grace alone can be sufficient enough.    

After yesterday's blog, here was God's response to me.   "you have been seeing with my eyes, hearing with my ears, feeling with my heart.  There are times when you have been my hands and feet.  You are not me, there will be times when My grace is sufficient enough for you.  There will be times when you just can't do what only I can do.  Trust me, there are times when My grace is all there is to do."  

This is what I have concluded from my experiences these past few days.  God's people, the ones who surrender faithfully and serve are the surface, the glimpse of God's grace.  Time and time again, this small expression of grace is sufficient enough.

I faithfully pray that I will have the eyes, ears, heart, tongue, hands, feet, and everything else about me of The Lord.  When I or anyone else surrenders their whole being to be used by God, He uses it to express His grace.  

So what does this grace, this superficial expression of God's grace look like? Let me share what I have seen.  It is that sacrificed time to be with someone who hurts, it is that gentle arm that delivers a hug, it is that smile that brightens someone's day, it is that ear that listens, that mouth that encourages, those eyes that cry, it is a sincere prayer, a phone call to see what is needed, it is that guy or girl behind the counter who gives you a discount because they have been where you are, a text that says I love you, that message that says I'm thinking of you, it is that shared bible verse, money given freely, it is a nurse who stays late, a doctor who won't go home, it is that person next to you who leads the way, it is the expression of empathy, sincere sympathy, it is meals provided as a ministry, a card that says I'm here for you, it is a handshake, a pat on the back, a friend who will sit by you side even in silence, a free ride, it is taking care of an errand for another, cleaning up someone's else's mess, changing a bed, washing someone's clothes, forgiving someone else's grouchiness, wiping away a friends tears, a shoulder to cry on, a meaningful conversation to clear a mind, sleepless night spent in prayer, it is any and all sacrifices of any kind great and small that are given freely to lift up and encourage another.  

I can't even begin to share all that I have seen and witnessed these past few days.  Everywhere I look everywhere I turn, I am constantly reminded of how great God's grace can be.  If each of us would only be the hands, the feet, the heart, the tongue, and the eyes of our Lord.  How much greater would grace be? 

John 13:15-17 
 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Honestly, another man can not be all that someone else needs.  Sure we can do all kinds of things that offer up hope, fill a need, and even bring comfort to a hurting heart.  But through it all if we truly want what we really need, it can only be found when you are on your knees.  It is when no one else can be there, no one can relieve the pain, no one can fix what is broken, no one has the answers, when nothing else can be done that we find what we really need at the feet of the one who loves us, who died for us, who will redeem us, who will heal us.  His name is Jesus.  His grace reaches way beyond our need.  Nothing is to far, to deep, to broken, to lost, to hurt, nothing is beyond His reach.  

You know you are experiencing His grace when everything seems to be falling apart and yet you still have a peace.  A peace that surpasses all understanding, a peace that keeps you from falling apart, a peace that no one else can offer.  It is that peace that makes you feel that you are at rest in His arms.  

In order to find this peace, you have to not just know about Christ, you have to know Him personally.  God's word tells us that if we admit that we are sinners, believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and confess Him as our Lord over our lives, then we will be saved.  Once you are saved, you will find yourself wrapped in His arms saturated by His grace.  It is this grace that is always sufficient enough.  Everything else is just a small part of the experience He chooses to reveal and share through those who are faithful to sacrifice and serve.

Psalm 136:12
with a mighty hand and outstretched arm; "His love endures forever."

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love! 

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