Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Do Something, Anything, Whatever, Just Do It.

The last few days as I have been sitting by Clay's side in the Critical Care Unit at MD Anderson.  He has been really sick.  Blood counts near zero, blood pressures below normal, heart rate too fast, temperatures of 103+, skin the color gray, lips as white as snow, fluid infection around his heart, and sleeping all the time.  There are seven iv pumps all delivering a different medications, platelets and blood.  All in the hopes of Clay becoming stable enough so he can receive the much needed chemo drugs.  

Doctors come in, doctors go out, nurses in, nurses out, respiratory therapist in and out, cardiac echo tech in and out, chaplain in and chaplain goes out not even offering up a prayer.  All this activity rushing around all the while, Clay just lays there in his bed.  An occasional grumble is the best we get.  

As I sit by his side, I am constantly praying "God, give us something, anything, just whatever so we can see some hope."  Vital signs improve, vitals signs fall back, eyes open, then eyes immediately shut, words are mumbled but only because of drugs.  Every time the littlest thing happens you think "this is it, he is going to get better."  But then he goes right back to where he was.

You find yourself praying to God and at the same time talking to Clay in your head.  "Clay, just do something, anything, whatever, just show us some sign of hope."  Yes, it gets frustrating, sitting and waiting, hoping, looking and waiting, watching, and more waiting.  The clock ticks slower with every thought of possible hope.  Tic... Toc.. .Tic.......... toc.......... Tic.................... Toc.................... Tic...................................................... Toc................................................. Tic.. and no Toc.  Thoughts go on "Come on God, come Clay, just do something, anything, just do it whatever it is."

I got to thinking, does God feel this way about us?  Clay is sick and we expect to see what is happening to him.  Spiritually are we acting like we are sick?  Are we just laying there doing nothing? All the while God is watching and thinking do something, anything, whatever just do something and quit acting like you are sick.  Did you know that when we act like this for no reason, we make our Lord sick.  He literally says he wants to spit us out of his mouth.  Think about it, does the  proof of your faith prove it is alive?

This afternoon, prayers were answered for Clay.  He got out of bed and sat in a chair for about 5 minutes.  After he got back in bed he stayed awake for almost 2 hours.  He talked and laughed, and watched tv.  Then he said "I'm hungry, can I have something to eat."  It may not seem like much for most people, but it was huge milestone for Clay.  I had tears just watching and thinking about how far he came today.  

Thank you Jesus for showing us something today through Clay.  May your hand continue to embrace him and bring healing to his body.  Do whatever it takes to bring glory and honor to yourself and show others who you are through Clay. 

Revelations 3:15-16
 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  16 So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!


  1. So good to hear some good news! No matter how small the improvement it is a great thing to all of those who love and are praying daily for Clay! Give him our love Bill and to Bessie. Tell her to be strong and courageous. The Lord has hold of her hand! He promised!

  2. Thak God that he is showing good signs! Greetings from Romania!
