Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our Fourth Baby

After Brenton was born we were living the American dream. I was managing an ambulance service and making good money. We had the 2.5 kids (actually 3), owned our own home on 2 acres, drove two cars, and we took vacations at least twice a year. Carri did not have to work and we were not living check to check. Things were looking up for us. We were truly blessed. Overall, everyone was healthy and happy.

Just when we thought we were blessed to the max, we found out Carri was pregnant again. We were so excited. We absolutely loved having our children and being able to raise them in a Christian home. God must have thought a lot of us as parents. He was allowing us to have 4 children, and all the means we needed to provide for them.

Christmas 1998, we decided it was time to share the awesome news with family. Carri's mom Sandy and her dad were visiting from Colorado. We thought that the timing was perfect; there could be no better gift than to announce another grand-baby was on he way. We bought Sandy a necklace with four children on it as a gift and to surprise her. That was going to be our special way of letting her know. We just knew she was going to be excited. Sandy loved babies.

Christmas day 1998, we gave Carri's mom her present, that special surprise necklace. We were all gathered around the tree just waiting for the surprise on her face. We could hardly stand it, we were so excited. Sandy opened the box and was speechless. One of us said "surprise! You are getting another grand-baby." The look on her face quickly turned to anger. Sandy was furious.

You are probably wondering why she was so upset. She was upset, because Sandy had a genetic disease called Huntington's chorea. Huntington's is one of the most monstrous of all diseases. It literally ruins lives and destroys families. The children of Huntington's victims have a 50% Chance of having the disease themselves. I will tell more about Huntington's disease later in another story. Understand this; Sandy knew statistically two of her four grandchildren would most likely have the disease that was now plaguing her body. In her mind, we were fools for bringing children into this world only to have such a high risk of suffering such a devastating and monstrous disease.

Cassidy was born in august of 1999. Not without complication though. To make a long story short, there were problems with the labor because Cassidy was breach. We prayed, and she was delivered by an emergency c-section. She was healthy but a rather cranky baby to say the least.

As time went on, Sandy fell quickly and madly in love with her newest grandchild. Like I said, Sandy loved babies. We quickly learned that God used Cassidy to keep Sandy going. She loved all her grandchildren and even said she could not have imagined life with any of them not being there.

I shared this part of our lives for a couple reasons. We have a genetic disease hanging over our heads. This disease ruins lives and destroys families. If we had lived in fear, we would not have had the four amazing children that we have today. In fact, the doctor of our first pregnancy suggested that we have genetic testing done. If the testing came back positive, then he suggested that we have an abortion. Abortion was never, I repeat never an option for us. God does not make mistakes.

It has been very evident that God brought each one of our children into this world for very special reasons. Each one has made an impact for God in their lives and the lives of others. I believe that our children are the proof and evidence of God's love. If we had surrendered to fear, then we would have missed some of God's greatest blessings.

The picture is of our children from 2004. They are much bigger now. They are on the beach of the Pacific Coast of Northern California.

Matthew 6:27, 34 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ? 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

May my life be the proof and evidence of Christ's love!

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