Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jesus Sent the Rain

     While in Romania on our mission trip we hosted several medical clinics in various villages surrounding the area of Satu Mare.  While the medical clinics were going on there were also people doing street evangelism and group called Crossfire doing basketball ministry.  The goal of all the teams combined was to reach the people of Satu Mare and the surrounding areas for Christ.  At night we were having regular church services and revival services. 

     There was one church in particular that I want to share about.  This Church was in city/village of Carei.  Carei actually has a population of around 20,000 or so.  We had not been to Carei for medical or street ministry, but we did go to lead a church service one evening.  The area we went to was on the outskirts of the city. 

     I remember when we arrived at the church I couldn’t help but notice how hot, dry, and sunny it was.  For whatever reason, I took a picture of the church with the sun glaring behind it.  Once inside, we were greeted with a warm very hospitable welcome.  Before the services began, we met with the elders of the church to discuss the order of services and address any prayer concerns they had.  They asked that we pray for the children.  Apparently word had gotten out that the Americans were coming so several children from the area came to church.  Most of these children had never been to church before.  The prayer request was that these children would discover Christ as their Savior. 

      The answer to their prayer request was amazing to say the least.  I was in charge of the children’s worship service.  We started off by singing worship songs, or at least the kids did.  We had no idea what they were singing, but it was beautiful.  Then some of our teenagers acted out a bible story.  To finish the service, I shared the gospel using an evangicube with the children.  When the service was finished, we had all the children bow their heads and asked if anyone wanted to receive Christ as their Lord and savior.  Every single hand went up.  24 children accepted Christ that day in Carei.  Now you may be thinking “they were children and probably did not know what they were doing.” Maybe, but at the very minimum, a seed was planted into the hearts of children most of whom had never been in church before.  But more importantly, we met with some of the elders at the end of the week.  What they shared is that they had gone and spoke with every child that night.  What they determined is that every one of them knew exactly what they were doing when they said yes to Christ. 

Group photo of the Kids from the Church at Carei

      At the end of the services, the wives of the church elders prepared coffee and deserts for us to express appreciation.  While we were eating and visiting, I was able to share about all the decisions the children had made.  The adults were so excited.  After I was done sharing one of the elders asked if we could pray for rain.  This particular area of Carei was supported by farming.  For the previous several months they had been in a drought.   So we all gathered together and prayed.  At the final Amen we heard and felt the rumbles of thunder.  It was not just moments before that I was outside and I promise you there was not one cloud in the sky.  As we were leaving to return to Satu Mare, you could see storm clouds above Carei raining and everywhere else around the sun was still brightly shinning.  Jesus sent the rain. 

Picture of the Bright sun behind the Church
in Carei before the church services began.
This is the sky that evening as we were leaving Carei
Zechariah 10:1 
Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the LORD who makes the storm clouds. He gives showers of rain to men, and plants of the field to everyone.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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