Thursday, November 29, 2012

John Oliver the Homeless Poet and Painter

     Living on the streets of Granada, Nicaragua is a man named John Oliver.  According to John, he lost his family during a civil war in Nicaragua years ago.  Supposedly, his family sent him to the Caribbean coast for safety when the fighting began.  When the fighting was over, John returned home to Granada only to find his family had been killed.   

     Honestly, I do not know if his story is true.  Sadly, you cannot always believe what someone tells you, especially if they want something from you.  There are people that will tell you what you want to hear just so you will take pity on them and give them something.  I like to believe John has told the truth.

     Here is what I do know about John Oliver, he lives on the streets.     John had become a victim, a victim of rejection.  Society turned its back on him and the church will not tolerate him.  Other street people physically beat John almost every day.  He has tried going to numerous churches, but they have turned him away.  They turn him away because of his addictions and his poor hygiene. 

John Oliver

       John may be homeless, but he is not stupid.  He has an incredible gift with words and memory.  He speaks poems that he has written into his mind about who God is and what He has done.  John has committed to memory several chapters throughout the bible.   I have personally talked with John and I know that he knows who Christ is. 

     I remember one night when we found John outside our hotel.  We called him over to talk.  John just smiled and smiled.  We gave him some food and drinks, which he gladly accepted.  The hotel manager tried to run him off and I said, "No, he is with me."  We even offered him some money.  John said, "I do not want you money, I will only buy stuff I should not buy."  We talked about Christ and what God can do.  John shared what God had done for him and how he loved the Lord. 

     John then began to weep, and then he went on to share how he had become addicted to drugs and alcohol.  He had nowhere to turn when he became homeless.  He became depressed and turned to things he knew he should not have.  His outlets became addictions and his addictions became his demise.  When John was finished, we prayed for him. 

     I bet we visited for a couple hours easy that night.  Then John said this "you guys have made me feel like someone, someone special."  "You have not judged me but made me feel like one of your own."  Then he said, "I want to give you something special."  At that, John sat down on the ground and pulled out some paints from his bag.  He reached into the bushes, pulled out a trashed cigarette poster, and began to paint on the back of it.  John created a tropical scene, similar to what he would see on the Caribbean coast.  When he was finished, he said, "I want you to have this so you will remember me." 

This is the painting that was given to Carri and I.
It hangs on the wall by my computer.  Each time I see it
I say a prayer for my friend John Oliver.

Matthew 25:40
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

Matthew 25:45
 "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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