Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nicaragua, estale mission

I have been in Estale, Nicaragua this week.  I have been working with RHEMA ministries.  RHEMA just grauduated 60+ men from their pastors institute.  During this week we have also been doing street evangelism, and medical mission.  The medical teams so far in 3 days have treated nearly 950 patients in the area where these grauduated will be paying churches.  God has done some amazing things, we only have 2 medical teams.  There has also been over 500 professions of faith for new believers in. Christ.  Yes there is HOPE and God has been delivering it to the citizens of Estale Nicaragua!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your work in Esteli. We live and work (mostly) in Jinotepe which is south from where you are and Javier is one of our dearest friends and translators. He will be staying at our house for the 5 weeks that we are back in the states for the holidays. We are originally from Mtn Home, AR and will be there later this week. Small world. Thanks again for giving to the people of Nicaragua.
    Barry & Christine Lydon
