Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The purposes of God’s Church

     Here are the things I felt God was revealing to me in His word and through prayer when it came to the purposes of His church.  He wants us to worship Him through praise and thanks giving. We are to grow in our understanding of who He is and how we should live through discipleship.  Others should continually be coming to Him for salvation through evangelism.  The church should be a family and a body that serves that is connected as one through fellowship.  Finally, we are to be the hands, feet, heart, mind, eyes, and mouth of Jesus through missions

     It was ironic, after I discovered what I truly believed God desired for our youth group, I came across a book called “The Purpose Driven Youth Ministry. Written by Doug Fields.”  I purchased the book and began to read it.  Initially I expected to find what everyone else was doing.  To my surprise, God affirmed everything He had already placed upon my heart. 

     In The Purpose Driven Youth Ministry book, Doug outlines the purpose of the Church in these scriptures:

Matthew 28:19 therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.  This scripture describes evangelism.  We are to go out and reach people for Christ, leading them to salvation through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19 baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  This scripture describe fellowship.  Now baptism itself is not magical, but it is a symbol of giving one's life to Christ.  When you give your life to Christ, you become a part of the family of Christ.  As a family, we must fellowship in order to strengthen our relationships and one another. 

Matthew 28:20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  This scripture describes discipleship.  Discipleship is teaching and learning of the bile.

Worship: Matthew 22:37 "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This scripture describes Worship.  Worship is not just limited to the music we sing, it is all that we do with all that we have for the Lord. 

Missions:  Matthew 22:39 Love your neighbor as yourself.  This last verse describes Missions.  Mission is simply doing for others.

Church service in Nicaragua.

Evangelism, Fellowship, Discipleship, Worship, and Missions. These are the things we should be doing all the time.  Our lives should be known for these things and not limited to certain days and times.  

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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