Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Nearly Dead Baby in a Blanket

     In the same village, I was blessed to receive the juice box and crackers, I experienced something I had never experienced before.  At the end of the church service, a woman came forward and asked if Chris would dedicate her baby to the Lord.  Chris spoke about raising children in the way they should go and spoke about raising children in church.  While Chris was speaking, the mother just stood before the church with a very somber look on her face.  The baby was wrapped tightly in a blanket and barely visible. 

     As Chris began to pray for the mother and the baby, I could not help but notice tears from the mothers face.  I would have expected a smile or some sort of gesture on her face that showed gladness.  I thought it was odd, but these people were a very stoic people and really did not show much emotion on their faces. 

Mom and baby during the dedication
      After the prayer, Chris and I received our gift of juice boxes and crackers.  Then the church members greeted us. They expressed their personal gratitude with words, hugs, handshakes, smiles and prayers.  Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and we both felt we were more blessed than being a blessing ourselves.  It always seems that way on missions, you go to bless people and God seems to bless you instead.

     Just as we were about to leave, our interpreter returned with the mother and baby.  She explained to us that the baby had been sick and the mom asked if we would pray one more time.  I explained that I was a nurse and paramedic.  I asked if she would like me to assess the baby, immediately the mom handed the bundle of blankets to me.

     As I began to unwrap the infant, fear and sorrow struck my soul.  As I took my first look at the baby's face my first thoughts were, "this baby is dead."  I felt sick inside.  I finished unwrapping the baby and discovered that she was still alive, barely.  Her color was an ash gray; her respiration's were erratic, shallow and hardly notable.  I felt for a pulse and barely felt a faint, thready, slow palpitation.  I had been a medic for nearly 20 years at this point, I knew a dying baby when I saw one.  This was a dyeing baby.

     I informed the mother that this baby needed to go to the hospital immediately and we could take her on the bus.  Tears gushed form her eyes.  She explained that she had already been to the hospital that day and they told her there was nothing they could do.  They then told her to take her baby home to die as they turned her away.  Our interpreter explained to me that if there were no money, that is usually what the hospitals would say.

     I had our interpreter explain to the mother that I did not have any medical supplies or equipment to help the baby.  Then I had her tell the mother that the best thing we could do beyond medicine was to pray.  Several of us gathered around and laid hands on the baby, we prayed for healing.  We asked God to perform a miracle.  I think that was probably the most intense prayer I have ever experienced.  As we finished praying, an older very sickly looking person gave the mother her ticket to see the American doctor the next day.  Because the needs were so great, the pastors gave out tickets to the sickest of people who really needed a doctor because we could not see them all. 

      As we left the village, I felt so sick inside.  I had never felt so helpless in my life.  It took all I had to leave.  I just kept talking to God and He just kept saying, "The baby is going to be OK."  I still felt sick, but I also had a peace.  A peace that I cannot explain.

     The next day at medical clinic, I just kept asking God for a sign that the baby was OK.  I just needed something.  As I looked up, I saw the mother walking towards me with the bundle of blankets in her hand.  This time, mom had a smile on her face.  I stopped what I was doing and ran to meet her.  When I got close enough, the first thing I noticed was the life that was in the baby's eyes.  God healed that baby.  Our doctor did as complete an assessment as possible and determined that nothing was wrong with her baby. 

Mom, baby, and me the following day
at the medical clinic,  Alive!!
James 5:15
And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.

May My Life be the Proof and Evidence of His Love!

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, help "us" to trust/believe in you more. Each and every day, as this precious Mother and others trusted in You on that day~
    Brenda Sessions
