Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bee Guts in my Ear

     I just love my son.  He just recently turned 16 and has become more of a man than most male adults I know.  I shared about his birth in the post titled “Almost Lost Another Baby: An Opportunity to Raise Up a Man of God.”  By the grace of God, that he is. 

     His upbringing did not come without it challenges.  He was a very naughty boy, with the cutest smile.  He was so hard to discipline because of his smile factor.  He always had a way to make you laugh even when you wanted to send him back for a refund, just kidding.  We never wanted to send him back, but there were days when we wanted someone else to take him even if it was just for an hour. 

     I came home one day and my wife said to me, with a smile on her face, “you need to go discipline your son.”  “My son?” “Yes your son.” “What Happened?” “He will not listen.”  Apparently Brenton and his sisters were supposed to be eating and Brenton did not want to eat.  He thought it was more fun to tease and pester his sisters.  I thought to myself, “is that not what little brothers are supposed to do?” 

     Carri then told me that he was in trouble for not listening.  That makes more sense, obedience is important and that includes listening.  Carri then laughed and said “I would discipline him, but I can’t. I cannot stop laughing every time I look at him.”  I asked “Why?” Carri’s response “just goes discipline your son.”

     Off to the bathroom I go, preparing my serious dad face.  Just before I open the door, I cleared my throat to make sure it was deep and intimidating.  I then open the door slowly, so that it creeked.  Creaking doors help with the fear factor.  I then squatted down before “My son”, peered into his eyes and firmly asked “Why are you not listening to your mother?”

     After several seconds, tears welled up in Brenton’s eyes.”  My immediate thought, “Fear factor Check.”  Then the answer came out slowly and broken from his sweet little voice, “D..d,da….’dad’,’a’ ba…ba……’bee’ fla…fla…’flew’’ in’ m…mmm..’my’ e….ee……’ear’. ‘I’ ta….ta….tr….’tried to’ ga…ga….’get it’ ou…ou……..ou..’out I’ sma…sma…’smashed’ h….hi…’his’ gu…guu…….’guts’ na…….na….’now I’  ca……..caaa….’can’t hear’.”  With that, I busted out laughing in tears.  I just could not keep serious enough to discipline my son for not listening.  As I walked out of the bathroom, Carri was waiting for me on the other side.  She was laughing and said “Now you know why I can’t discipline ‘Our son.’ Now get back in there and go do it.”  Needless to say, Brenton got away with that one.
     His excuse, a bee’s guts were smashed in his ear; therefore he could not hear to listen.  Ridiculous and funny, I know.    This creative scheme of a story, was it a worthy excuse? No, hindsight, he deserved more discipline for lying.  Well even to this day he insists a bee got into his ear.  Don’t we do the same with God?  We don’t listen and therefore we do not do what He has called us to do.  Sure Brenton’s excuse was funny.  We showed him mercy, not because he was funny, because we loved him.  God shows us mercy as well because He loves us also.  Our excuse is not funny, in reality it is shameful.  We do not just “not listen”, we ignore God.  Brenton heard what his mother said; he just chose not to listen.

This is Brenton, a few years after the bee incident
To this day he is the funniest person I know

James 1:19-22 
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. 21Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. 22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

1 comment:

  1. bill this is such a sweet and inspiring story! Brenton is such a special young man! I love this photo of him!!! He has such a sweet mischevious smile! He is so lucky to have you and Carri as his parents! You truly understand him!! I feel blessed to have been one of his teachers and through him got to meet you two! Wishing you all a very blessed Christmas!
