Monday, December 17, 2012

Riding the Waves of Faith

One of my most memorable Christmas gifts was a surfboard.  All I wanted was a surfboard.  I could hardly stand it; I was losing sleep thinking about it.  The closer Christmas got the less sleep I was getting.  I had visions of me riding 10 foot waves, sliding down the face, entering into the barrel, then ripping out and shredding the wave as I slaughtered its majestic beauty.  I was going to be the next worlds surf champion.

That day finally arrived, I got my first surfboard.  I was so ecstatic, I could hardly believe my eyes, I really got it, I really did.  My dreams had come true.  I was on my way to fulfilling my great dreams of being the next King Kamehameha, or maybe even Kelly Slater this side of Hawaii.  Nothing was going to stand in my way, I could already see it.  I made my choice I was the next great legend of surfing. 

Well needless to say, my dreams were crushed.  I hit the beach like a monster and flopped like a dead fish on my first wave.  I had no idea how hard surfing was going to be.  I took forever to figure out balance and how to even stand up on a board.  Once I was able to stand up, I was surfing with the wrong foot forward.  Someone pointed out to me that I was a goofy foot.  I thought that was an insult.  I was wrong.  What they meant was that I surfed backwards.  I was putting my Left foot forward like everyone else.  I was goofy foot that meant I needed to put my right foot forward.   That made a huge difference.

I remember getting so frustrated from falling, wiping out and getting hit on the head from the surfboard. I just wanted to quit. I just couldn't do it. Then finally it was a small wave. Not a huge 10 footer, maybe 3-4 feet. I paddled, I stood up, and I rode that wave. I was boss. Little by little I rode longer, waves got bigger, and I got better. Before I knew it, I felt like I was walking in water.

Living out our faith is so much the same way. God never promised it would be easy. In fact He promised it would be hard. Little by little you will walk further, waves of faith will get bigger, and before you know it you will be riding the waves of faith feeling like you are walking on water. Not because of what you are able to do, but what He will do in and through you.

The secret to surfing, is keeping steady, never giving up and learning to surrender to the way of the wave. The secret to walking in faith is keeping steady, never giving up and surrendering to the way of the king.  When you fall, get back up again.

When Peter doubted his faith, he nearly drowned.  Do not be afraid and trust in the Lord, He is the author and perfecter of our faith.

NO, this is not me.
This is a picture I took off the coast of Maui.

Matthew 14:29-32
"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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