Monday, December 31, 2012

The Best Worst New Years Eve Party Ever

A couple years ago I was reminded of my worst and best New Years Eve party ever.  I was at the local gas station when I overheard a couple of people talking about their New Year’s party.  The statement that stuck with me was when I heard the girl say “It was the best party ever.  Everyone was drunk, nobody remembers anything, people were passed out all over the place and there was puke everywhere.”  Then the guy responded “that’s sounds so awesome, I wish I could have been there.” 

I was stunned, how mentally blind where these people?  Everyone was drunk, nobody remembers anything, people passed out all over the place, and puke was everywhere.  Where was the awesomeness in this?  Then I had a flash back, there was a time when I was that stupid as well.  How right the bible is when it speaks of drunkenness and debauchery. 

New Years Eve 1990, that was the worst and best party ever.  It was that year that I was the one who thought drunkenness, lack of memory, being passed out and having puked everywhere made an awesome party.  I don’t want to share details, but I drank so much alcohol it was the worst party ever.  It was far worse than being passed out and puking everywhere. 

It was the best party ever, not because of the stupid, foolish, and ignorant events of that night, but because of what happened as a result.  Carri was so angry with me; she was done with our relationship.  New Year’s Day she laid it on the line.  Carri gave me this ultimatum, “It is either me or the alcohol, and you can’t have both.” 

God did something inside of me that day.  I didn’t know Christ as my personal savior yet, but God spoke to me none the less.  I was so convicted; the debauchery that alcohol causes made me sick.  I’m not talking about the hangover; I’m talking about the stupid, ignorant, and foolish choices and actions that drunkenness leads to. 

New Years day 1991 was the day that I became sober.  I prayed that day and asked God to take the addiction away.  I did not know who exactly God was at this point in my life, but in my heart I was asking the one true God to help me.  Immediately, the cravings for alcohol were replaced with sickness.  The thought of alcohol literally made me sick.  The smell of alcohol made me gag.  Being around the consumption of alcohol made me angry.  To this day those same feelings remain.

 I completely believe with all my heart that God took away my addiction that day.  So tonight, not only will I celebrate a new year, I will celebrate 22 years of being sober.  Twenty two years of no longer living a life defined by the debaucheries of alcohol.  Over two decades of no longer being a slave to alcohol.   I am proud to say that Jesus Christ is my savior and Lord over my life.  The Holy Spirit permeates my soul.  Te cool thing about Christ, is that He will free you from the bondage of all sin and addiction.

This is our puppy after a rough day!

Ephesians 5:18
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. 
Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

John 8:32 
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!


  1. I can relate to your past..I thank god for a drug and alcohol free life everyday..I am a work in progress but being clean and sober and knowing that it is because of a living and loving god is what makes it even better..
