Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Perfect Gift Called Immanuel

I would imagine that by now just about every Christmas gift around the world has been unwrapped.  Not all gifts, but most of them have been opened.  The anticipation nd excitement is over for those who chose to open their gifts.  Some received with great joy, others with great wonder.  Joy because you were given what you had hoped for.  Wonder, because you thought to yourself; "what is this?", "What was so and so thinking when they bought that?" or with a huge fake smile on your face "Gee thanks, I always wanted this, but silently thinking you have got to be kidding me."  Some gifts will be put to great use, some gifts will be returned, some gifts will be hidden or thrown away, and others will be re-gifted.

There is a gift that was given to all that not everyone has received.  We have all heard the bible verse that states; "For unto us a child was born… a savior has been given."  Here is the deal, God truly has given every man, woman, and child a gift.  A gift that cannot be valued by dollar signs, a gift that cannot be returned, a gift that cannot be exchanged.  We have been given a gift that all mankind hopes for.  We all want love, peace, hope, joy, gladness, patience, gentleness, life….  God granted us this gift by wrapping up His son in the form of a baby and sending Him to earth that He may be received.  The gift did not end in a manger.  God fulfilled His gift of salvation through the life of His son Jesus Christ. 

Jesus is not left lying in a manger or still packaged under a tree.  The gift of Christ is lying outside the doorway to your soul.  Gods stands at the door and knocks and if anyone lets Him in, He will enter in. It is not a gift of religion; it is the gift of life.  Life eternal, that brings with it the deepest desires within the heart of man.  Love, peace, hope, joy, gladness, patience, gentleness, life…. 

His gift to you is there for the taking.  The choice is yours, do you want to open this gift and receive what God has for you? Think about the other gifts you have received.  All have become nothing more than a memory; they have been broken, expired, outdated, and even obsolete.  Today marks more than the birth of a savior, it marks the anniversary of Immanuel "God with us." Today is the 2000+ anniversary of the day God abolished ritualistic religion and entered into a personal relationship with man.    

The choice is yours, what is it going to be?

Matthew 1:23
"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, 
and they will call him Immanuel"--which means,
 "God with us."

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!

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