Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Shade Tree Jonah Experience

     This is part two of the broken down van experience.  After the van started and I drove off, I went immediately to the college.  My plan was to park, eat dinner, then got to worship service.  Food was not a big issue, but worship was something I had been excited about all day.  This was the night the pastor was going to share the gospel with hand painted graffiti.    It was going to be cool.

     After I parked the van and turned it off, I thought, "I better just check and make sure it will start, just in case."  I turned the ignition and, click, click, click, click, click…….. no engine turn over at all.  I tried jumping the van, still nothing.  I called the powers that that be at MFUGE and they gave me a number for a travel mechanic. 

This is obviously not the church van.
Its an old Chevy on my Father in laws
Ranch in Montana.

     I called the number and he told me it was too late in the day and that he would come in the morning.  That was not going to work.  I had about 15 kids I was suppose to take to site the next morning.  The following day I was taking our kids home.  I said "thank you" and asked if he knew of anyone else that might be able to come tonight.  He said "no."  I agreed to the morning appointment, figured God knew, and we would just have to miss our last day at site.  At least I was going to a cool worship service.

     About 10 minutes later, I get a phone call back from the travel mechanic.  He says, "I've been thinking about what you said and how important your mission trip is, I am on my way.  I will be there in about 30 minutes."  I thought "Yes! Oh, wait 30 minutes? Are you serious that means I am going to miss worship.  I don't want to miss worship." 

     I sat down under a shade tree and pouted.  It was hot, but I had shade and it was better than sitting in the hot sun.  I started talking to God, actually complaining.  "Come on God, I really want to go to worship.  What is wrong with that?  Why can't you just fix this van and be done with it.  I know you can."  I got up, went back to the van, and turned the key.  No click not one, just a slow faint buzzzz then silence.  I thought to myself, "Are you serious God?" 

     I went back to my tree and sat in silence, I was done talking to God, I was mad.  Do you know what He had the nerve to call me?  "Jonah", yes God called me "Jonah."  Then He said, "Worship is more important to you and since you can't go, now you are going to sit under a shade tree and pout?  Yes, worship is important, but what about the mechanic I am sending to you? Don't you think he is more important?"  "Yes, God you are right, please forgive me." 

     Long story short, the mechanic was a Christian.  However, he had been out of church for a few years.  His wife had a brain tumor and had been in and out of hospitals frequently.  They had two small children and he made the only income.  He had been working 7 days a week, 24 hours a day on call just to make ends meet and pay medical bills.  He was losing hope.  I was able to share my testimony with him about 
Huntington's disease and then I prayed with him and for his wife.  He was so thankful and so blessed. 

     My taking time to pray and share my story with him was what he needed to be encouraged about his faith and the power and purpose of the Lord.  I do not know what happened nest, but I know God wanted me to share and pray for a travel mechanic. 

Humpback Whale tail off the coast of Maui.
Makes me think of Jonah

Jonah 4:9-11
But God said to Jonah, "Do you have a right to be angry about the vine?" "I do," he said. "I am angry enough to die." 10 But the LORD said, "You have been concerned about this vine, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. 11 But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?"

May my life be the proof and evidence of His love!


  1. Debbie, thank you for sharing your story. I love to hear what God is doing in other peoples lives. I have just prayed for you as I read your comment.

  2. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:5,8 NIV
